Chapter 15- Truth

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Author's pov

Sunlight was peeking through the huge glass windows, and the radiating shine of sunlight was making the girl's eyes hard to open. She slowly sat on the bed and looked around and found herself again caged in the four walls which were not only capturing her body but her soul and the irony is that she was finding comfort in the arms of her captivator who broke her, betrayed her without even knowing her fault. She didn't realize when her pain started flowing through her eyes. She quickly wiped her tears and stood up "today, I am going to get my answers at any cost, I won't let him go until he answers my question" Rose mumbled.

The loud sound of footsteps made her thoughts halt only finding herself staring at those cold gray orbs which were staring at her with a void expression. Xavier's steps halted in front of her, he forwarded his hands to touch her but Rose immediately slapped his hand. 

"Are you okay now?" 

"Does it matters to you when you are the cause of this"?

"Rose I just asked you a simple question and don't you dare to talk to me like this. I'll not tolerate misbehavior at any cost". Xavier hissed in anger.

"Stop all of this Xavier just tell me why, why are you doing this to me".

"Shut up Rose and have your breakfast". Xavier said and was about to go when Rose caught his wrist and said "I'll not let you go until you tell me why. Why did you ruin my life? You made me hate myself, because of you my parents abandoned me, and because of you I lost my will to live. But today you have to answer me, why".

Xavier's jaw twitched in anger and caught her wrist making her yelp in pain "Ruin your life? huh, then what about my life. What I've done to you is nothing in front of what your father did to my parents. If I am a monster then your father is worse than that" Xavier roared, his eyes were red with the unshed tears.

"Wh...What are you say...saying?"

"Your father killed my parents. That son of a bitch even ra..raped my mother, she was fucking five months pregnant with my baby sister when he showed his cruelty. I was just seven years old scared boy who was shivering while listening to her screams, I was a kid who was crying while holding her mother who was unaware that his mother and baby sister were no more. He killed her, my mother my sister, and my fa..father cruelly"

father cruelly"

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"Your father killed my parents. That son of a bitch even ra..raped my mother, she was fucking five months pregnant with my baby sister when he showed his cruelty. I was just seven years old scared boy who was shivering while listening to his mother's screams, I was a kid who was crying while holding her mother who was unaware that his mother and baby sister were no more. He killed her, my mother my sister, and my fa..father cruelly". 

His words made me freeze on my spot, my body starts shivering. I was feeling a huge lump on my chest which was making me hard to breathe. I don't know if he's telling the truth but his eyes, his eyes were holding the truth, his tears were the evidence of his pain but my dad, how can he be so cruel? How can he do such a heinous act? He was always mean to me bu..but I'd never expected him to be this cruel. I'm ashamed to be called his daughter, I am ashamed to be his blood and the worst thing is that I couldn't say anything besides,

"I..I am so..sorry"

"Sorry? Will your sorry bring back my family? Now you know what are you paying for, you're paying for the sins your father has committed. I will ruin your life like your father did mine". Xavier said and stormed out of the room.

My legs gave up and I fell to the ground with a thud. My heart sank to the bottom, and my mind was frozen his words and hatred are the only things that were banging my brain and soul. I was feeling pity for myself but now why I am feeling like I deserved all this, just because I am a murderer's daughter? I can feel the last strings of my hope shattering slowly. I was sobbing continuously when I heard footsteps coming near me but I kept my gaze down, I was ashamed after knowing what my father did to him. I immediately raised my head my I heard Andrea's voice.

"So he finally told you about your father but I am sure he didn't tell you one thing Rose"


"Xavier is my husband Rose, he's my husband.. legally. He married me before you, he loves me not you." Andrea screamed with so much hatred on her face, I was numb, from the beginning I was just a scapegoat for this revenge. Everything was just a lie since from the beginning even my ma..marriage.

" you're ly..lying".

"I am not lying Rose, this is the truth see yourself in our wedding pictures but because of you and your family, we were never happy. The flame of revenge is burning my Xavier with every second. You are ruining him, Rose, this is happening all because of you. You don't deserve him, you are the daughter of that bastard who killed his family and now you are killing him slowly and painfully. Just leave him and never come back, never show your face to him. Jacob is waiting for you outside".

I don't know but everything she said was all true, I don't deserve him,I don't. No matter how much I try to hate him, my heart still beats for him. I can't ruin him. I must go, away from his life. I started running from that house without knowing the destination my fate is leading me to.

How can I lose my calm like that? I fucking told her everything, her words triggered me that I lost my calm in front of my anger

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How can I lose my calm like that? I fucking told her everything, her words triggered me that I lost my calm in front of my anger. I looked around and banged my fist on the wall, I ruined the whole room in anger.

"Fuck it" 

"Stop it, Xavier, I know this is painful for you but trust me it's not easy for her also. She is also suffering. So stop hurting yourself go and check upon her. Hope she won't try something stupid again". Sam said and somewhere he was right also no matter how much I hate her father but still, it's difficult to cope with everything. I just nodded my head and went towards her room. My heart started beating loudly when I heard whimpers in pain from her room. I started running towards and open the room and found,

Andrea lying in the pool of her blood.


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With love❤️❤️


Happy reading💜

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