Chapter 35- Her Anger

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Life has never been fair towards me still I learned to survive in my worst and always wished for a better future but not all wishes come true maybe I want a little patience in me but all my patience has started crashing down right in front of me b...

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Life has never been fair towards me still I learned to survive in my worst and always wished for a better future but not all wishes come true maybe I want a little patience in me but all my patience has started crashing down right in front of me because my life is showing me the cruelness of this world. I saw the biggest nightmare that any woman could imagine losing her child and that too when I was even unaware of my child's presence, to be honest, I felt like dying at that moment like I had no purpose of living anywhere. 

I slowly looked up and found Xavier sleeping peacefully, my fingers slowly ran through his hair falling on his face, and his hand was resting on my waist keeping me close to him. In my every pain, I was always alone to survive but this time he was there for me the whole time. This man whom I wanted to loathe with my every ounce is unknowingly pulling me towards him again. I know this sound absurd the person who is behind my every pain is also my healer. His eyes started opening and I was patiently waiting for him. He opened his eyes and looked into mine, silence always holds power over words.

"You okay?" he asked while cupping my face and I nodded still looking at him. When I met him for the first time his eyes were holding destruction but now they are holding genuine care, care for me. I was so adamant in trying to hate him that I forgot that this monster was once an innocent child who lost everything at a tender age. Somewhere I know we both have been fighting the somewhat same fights since childhood he was being orphan and I was living like an orphan.

Author's pov

"You go and fresh up I will bring something to eat for you," Xavier said and was about to go but Rose held his hand he looked at her with a confusing gaze.

"I was so overwhelmed with my emotions, tha..thank you for staying by my side. I don't know why I am saying this to you I don't know how to stop myself, how to protect my heart again from you. I feel like to hate you but love you, It's like I want to throw off the cliff for making me feel like this again but the next moment I want to rush to the bottom to catch you." Rose said with watery eyes, her eyes were screaming helpless, helpless in confronting all those feelings which made her miserable but Xavier was still looking at her with her stoic expression which was more painful to her than his words. Little did she know behind his blank face he was also fighting a battle where his mind was stopping him but his heart don't want to let her go. She is the last straw of his life who is teaching him to live to love and to get loved but his mind and his guilt were stopping him from ruining her because he knew if his heart win the war then he won't be able to live without her. Both wanted to protect their hearts unknown that their hearts had already linked together till eternity.

"I will bring your breakfast" Xavier whispered and turn around leaving Rose still in her position she finally broke down sobbing loudly cursing herself for falling for him again but she was unaware that she is not the only one who is crying but Xavier also who was standing outside the room listening her sobs was breaking his heart as same as her heart is broken.

"I am sorry but I am not capable of loving someone, I..I am messed up and I don't want you to suffer because of me ag..again" he whispered and went away.

Rose slowly stood up and wiped her tears and went inside the bathroom and came after freshening up. She stood in front of the window staring at the blue sky with swollen void eyes, void of every emotion but soon the sound of someone's shouting broke her trance which was coming from downstairs.

Xavier was preparing breakfast for Rose as the whole staff was not available since the last night. Sam was standing beside him staring at him, he knew Xavier since they were kids and it was unhidden from him what his best friend is feeling and what is stopping him.

"You know what Sam I'm straight stop staring at me like a creep," Xavier said for which Sam annoyedly scoffed and said "this is not gonna work Xavier you already know why I am staring at you"

"I don't want..." Xavier said but before he completes his sentence Andrea barged inside the kitchen crying while holding papers in her hands for which Xavier looked unbothered and continued his work which only irked Andrea more. She took long strides towards him and caught him by his collar.

"WHAT DO THESE PAPERS MEAN?" Andrea screamed but Xavier jerked her hands off with a stoic face and said "Isn't it easy to understand these are divorce papers sign them as soon as possible" Xavier said coldly which Andrea chuckled while crying.

"Divorce papers, huh? For what Xavier when I stayed quiet when you were sleeping with Rose, I stayed quiet when you said you don't love me I also stayed quiet when you made my dad's company bankrupt but these papers, I can't accept them no matter what, I love you, Xavier, why can't you understand why you don't want us to give one chance to make things work between us".

"Stop this Andrea we both were never meant for each other and after what you did I can't even tolerate your presence so it's better if you leave quietly and sign them soon otherwise I had other ways too, "Xavier said calmly.

"Not meant for together? Did you ever tried, no you never tried and talking about what  did I don't regret anything for what I did, I did it just to save our marriage and you are loathing me for a child who will never have any existence because you know what society names those children whose parents aren't married they call them bastards and your child will also be..."

Before Andrea could complete her sentence a loud sound of slap resonated in the whole mansion. Andrea slowly gained her posture while holding her cheek and saw Rose was looking at her with fire in her eyes that could burn anyone, whereas Xavier was burning with anger just like her, and Sam, was shocked to look at her like this first time.

Rose took steps toward Andrea and said while gritting her teeth " one more word for my child from your filthy mouth I'll make sure you won't be able to speak again. For your information, your blood doesn't make your bastard but your deeds and here you are the living example among us. Let me tell you one more thing Andrea, Rose can be a weak and pathetic girl but not a mother".

"SAM throw her out of my house". Xavier screamed and Sam started dragging Andrea out of the house leaving Xavier and Rose alone who was breathing heavily due to anger.


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