Chapter 32- Ready for destruction

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"My heart is a flame and it's burning in your name"

"My heart is a flame and it's burning in your name"

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Xavier angrily jerked my hand away from his collar, caught me from my waist, pulled me closer, and said while gritting his teeth " for God's sake I didn't do anything and I didn't even hold him captive. I set him free the same day I brought you to the mansion again and just think why would he come to my mansion if I held him captive" my anger started fading because I know whatever he is talking is making sense

"Th..Then why did you lied me?" I asked

"Bec..because I didn't have any way to make you stay with me, because I can't stay without you, because....

"I'm crazy for you"

I don't know whether I should be happy or not over his confession, even though he didn't say those three words but still what he said just now was enough to wave my heart. His angry eyes were still holding contact with mine. His stares always made me feel weak on my knees but right now I want to look at Jacob first with these thoughts I slowly detached myself from his grip.

"We will talk about this later, please call the doctor first" I whispered, he nodded still holding a strong gaze on me and I was embarrassed to even look at him because this time it was my mistake that I behave too impulsively without thinking twice. I slowly took steps towards Jacob who was lifelessly lying on the couch, tears were flowing from my eyes by looking at his condition. His shirt is torn and covered in his blood stabbing marks were visible through it, how can someone be this cruel, how can someone hurt someone else like this? Most importantly why would someone try to hurt him like this?

"Mrs. Romano please let me look at the patient," the doctor said and I stepped back, the doctor was looking at him with a worried expression.

"How's he doctor?" Xavier asked

"He's fine for now, this is a police case somebody took anger on him for a long time, he could have died due to immense pain and weakness anyways I gave him the medicine he will wake up soon and make sure he eats properly," the doctor said and went while Xavier and both nodded.

"Why would someone do something like this to him?" I whispered while looking at Jacob.

"That's what we have to find," Xavier said and immediately went out while calling someone.

I know I was at fault, Rose every allegation makes sense because I was the one who told her that I captivated Jacob but it still hurts me, her hateful gaze, her tears, and her pain are the only things that make my heart clench and at the heat of t...

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I know I was at fault, Rose every allegation makes sense because I was the one who told her that I captivated Jacob but it still hurts me, her hateful gaze, her tears, and her pain are the only things that make my heart clench and at the heat of the moment I said whatever came to me but whatever I said is the freaking truth of my life which I can't deny even if my mind is forcing me to. I immediately called Sam as soon as the doctor checked Jacob, no matter how much I dislike him but Rose is in pain looking at his condition which I can't tolerate.

It's been freaking two hours but we are unable to find anything except Jacob went missing on the same day when I bring Rose back to the mansion. Only Jacob can tell us now, I and Sam went inside the room and found Rose still sitting beside him while holding his hand I would be lying if I don't want to separate their hands.

jealous bastard, they are just friends my internal voice mocked.

Soon our attention turned toward Jacob who was slowly gaining consciousness, Rose immediately filled the glass with water while I helped him to sit. Rose made him drink the water and bombarded him with so many questions while Jacob hugged her.

"I'm fine Rose, relax," Jacob said while patting Rose's head who was crying.

They are friends, right?

"I'll get you something to eat first Jacob," Rose said but Jacob held her wrist and shooked his head negatively.

"I'll eat later but first I want to tell you everything Rose and to you too Xavier," he said, I don't know why I am getting a bad feeling.

"You all must be wondering how I am like this but before that, I'm sorry Rose I never wanted to hurt you," Jacob said.

"Stop scaring me Jacob just say it already," Rose said 

Jacob took a deep breath and said " Two months ago I was trying to reach you for so many days but you didn't pick up the call you didn't even came to cafe I was really worried for you but one day Ana came to the cafe and told me that, that your dad forcefully married to someone who is already married. She knew that I always had fee..feelings for you, and she said she would help me get you back to me I was heartbroken and agreed fo..for her help but when I asked why she wanted to help me and she simply said that she hates you and wants to get rid of you.

"You bastard" I screamed and was ready to kill him. 

"Please listen to everything first, then I am ready to accept any punishment," he said while looking at me and Rose who was still sitting quietly listening to everything.

"Next day she came with another woman who is An..Andrea, Xavier's wife, she also wants Rose to get out of both of your lives. The three of us planned everything but in the end moment, Xavier caught us and took Rose with him. When they both got to know about they both were furious and unintentionally I heard their conversion, they wanted to kill Rose but unfortunately, they caught me and held me captive.

"They tried to kill Rose on the day you both went to the ball and also Andrea was the one who pushed you from the stairs," he said, at this moment killing all these three people without any mercy, especially Andrea whom I've trusted the most.

"Ho..How could you" Rose said while whimpering and stood up looking at him with disgust.

"I know Rose me and Andrea both did wrong but trust me it was Ana who manipulated both of us, she took advantage of our feeling for her good. She just used us as bait to accomplish her main motive" Jacob said

"What are you talking about, what motive, what she wants?" I said while gritting my teeth only I know how I am controlling my urge to snap their necks with no delay.

"You, She wants you, Xavier, she's manically obsessed with you she has gone mad. She's ready to kill anyone for you" he said and that's it that bitch is so gone but for now, no one can save Andrea from me who killed my baby and almost Rose.

"Get ready for destruction"


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