Chapter 52(ii)- Unveiling the past

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"Alex was the last step to win everything, even though I couldn't get Victoria but at least I got her taste

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"Alex was the last step to win everything, even though I couldn't get Victoria but at least I got her taste.

"It'll be fun to explain how I fucked her, isn't it Xavier"?

"How dare you bastard, how dare you I will rip you alive, you fucking bastard". I was fuming with anger, the person I trusted the most, I fucking respected him like my father totally oblivious that he was behind my every pain. He manipulated me my whole life. My hands were struggling to be free, my soul was thirsty for his blood. He crouched down in front and punched my face hard, blood coated my mouth but the physical pain was the last thing I was feeling.

"Stop squirming son, there is a lot more to come, so where was I? 


Adrian's whole face was red in anger, his angry footsteps were echoing on the marbled floor. He busted the door open and saw Giovanni sitting on his chair with a victorious smirk on his face. Adrian's jaw clenched in anger looking at his smirk, he strides towards him and jerked him by his collar but his smirk didn't vanish which itched him to kill at that moment.

"You messed up with the Shares, don't you, you son of a bitch" Adrian screamed "You ruined fucking everything, he is your fucking brother even if you hate me, how could you do this to your own brother you fucking bastard".

"My brother? that stupid cunt-whipped bastard is not my brother. Whatever he has is mine and I will get what is mine even if it is meant to kill insects like you and I make sure of it even if it's Victoria's pussy" he whispered and that was enough for Adrian to blow his face with his punches. Giovanni spat the blood from his mouth and jerked himself away from Adrian's grip.

"The game has just started Adrian just wait and watch," Giovanni said while gritting his teeth but Adrian looked at him with loath and anger at him. He knew Giovanni never had any compassion for Alessandro but he never knew he could stand this low just for money and for Victoria who considered him as her brother. He was so heartbroken by just thinking how would they feel when they will know about his ulterior motive especially Victoria after knowing his fucking lust for her.

"Alessandro will fucking kill you son of a bitch" Adrian spatted to which Giovanni just laughed holding his stomach and whispered between his laugh "And my stupid ass brother will believe you" Adrian smirked and showed him his phone which was showing Alessandro's name. He was on the call the whole time.

"Now he will," Adrian said but the smirk on his vanished and turned into a pained expression. The phone fell from his hand, his fingers touched his chest, and saw his finger covered with his blood. Blackness started surrounding his vision and he fell on the floor with a thud.

"Nice strategy but a little slow," he said crouching down and looking at his lifeless body. He lifted the phone to his ear and heard Alessandro screaming his name while fastly driving dying to save his only best friend.

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