Chapter 43- "You belong to me"

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Everything is blurred except him, my heartbeat is accelerating looking at him standing in front of me with a small smile and glossy eyes

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Everything is blurred except him, my heartbeat is accelerating looking at him standing in front of me with a small smile and glossy eyes. It's like my thirst of six months quenched in a second only by just having a glimpse of him. My lips were twitching to smile my legs were dying to run toward him my arms were shaking to take him in my embrace to let go of all the pain I'd been enduring all these months but I couldn't. It will be stupid of me to deny the fact that the day I left him I also left my heart with him and my increasing heartbeats are the evidence. I didn't realize when he came in front of me cupping my face in his hands. His calloused fingers were slowly wiping my tears making me shudder under his touch.

"My Rose" Xavier whispered and that was enough to make me feel weak on my knees. After six months his scent, his voice, and his warmth slowly started to shatter the wall of resistance that I'd built around me. I was scared to melt in his warmth and exactly that happened when his arms wrapped around me. His face was buried in my crook and the wetness on my neck is enough to acknowledge that he is crying, his arms were pulling me more and, more closure to him leaving no space between us. I raised my hands to hug him back but,

Rose you left him, stop seeking warmth in his arms again and let him go you both can never be happy together

But my conscience, my conscience didn't let me. By collecting myself together I pushed him away from me he was looking at me with his pleading eyes he tried to hold my hand but I took my steps back, his sobs were clenching my heart but this is the only right thing to do. I can't be weak in front of me even his cries were making my heart bleed.

"What are you here now, didn't I tell you to stay away from me?" I screamed at him but from inside only I know how much I am composing myself for this, how much pain I am getting to see him like this. This is the best for us is the only mantra repeating in my brain.

"Rose, please listen to me for once". He said with his pleading eyes.

"There is nothing to say or listen to, Xavier, everything is over between us," I said raising my palm in front of him while breathing heavily.

"Nothing is over between us and who gave you to take decisions alone and that too for both of us, I refuse," he said 

"Trust me, Xavier, I can, because there was nothing in between both of us, heck we didn't even have a relation to give a name, and moreover whatever it was I had already moved on, and I, and I am alre..already seeing so..someone so its better for you if you also move on," I said or should I say I lied, the biggest lie of my life but I'm okay with it as long as it will make him let me go and forget me but what I was unaware of that my lie will make his pleasing look into the blazing look.

My eyes went wide looking at his blazing eyes who were spitting fire at me, I unconsciously took steps back only to get struck between him and the counter. His hands were on either side of the counter caging me, bowing his head down on my face level with just a few centimeters difference between our faces. His finger pads were rubbing my lower lip making my breath shorten just like before the chilling sensations were making my body weak.

"Nothing between us? Moved on? Huh, Rose is it really? If yes then why are your shortening breath and loudly beating heart telling me otherwise? he whispered near my ear, slightly biting my ear lobe and swirling his tongue to soothe the pain and the resistance I was talking had already thrown out of the window of his sweet painful pleasure.

"L..Leave me, Xa..Xavier" I said or should I say it came out like a moan.

"Why Rose? Am I making you weak on your knees? Is my touch making you forget your new lover?" He said while slowly leaving wet kisses on my neck, I swear on god I literally wanted to bury myself in a hole or wanted to hit my head on the wall for becoming this weak but I was helpless to ignore his sweet torture only he holds this power over me that I am unable to push him.

"This is n..not right Xavier, my bo..boyfriend must be co..coming I don't want him to g..get any wrong id..idea" I said without realizing that I am digging my own grave with my own hands.

"Hmm, your boyfriend. What is his name? He said cupping my cheeks and looking directly into my eyes my inner self is screaming to be this dumb.

Boyfriend's name? You're doomed, Rose.

My conscience literally mocked me, I slowly pushed him away took a deep breath, and said the name which came to my mouth at that time looking everywhere but at him. "Ry..Ryan".

Xavier scoffed and trust me it was not mocking but something else, something dark, and I literally shivered to look at him. He took steps back still looking at me, my shoulders relaxed in relief thinking he was going back but who I am kidding he is Xavier Romano, his brain runs differently from humans he is a devil.

He sit on the chair which was directly facing me, spreading his legs and still staring at me with his dark gray orbs erupting goosebumps over my body.

"Why are you si..sitting here?" I asked with so much difficulty that I had lost my voice under his deep penetrating gaze.

"Waiting" he simply said with a maniac smirk on his face.

"For w.who?" I asked, my scrunched forehead is easy to acknowledge my confusion.

"Your boyfriend. You said he's coming and I am very curious to know what he had that made you love him and forget me" he said, that's it now I am literally doomed I am sure I must be looking pale by now, and the smirk on his face it's easy to let me know.

Yeah your imaginary boyfriend will fall from the sky, yay

Here I am shaking to my core from inside and my conscience is not leaving any chance to mock me. Oh god, what I will do when there is no Ryan coming heck he didn't even exist and as far as I know Xavier he won't leave unless he meets Ryan. I was trying to play but I got played how could I forget that I was playing with fire?

"You okay amore? You look pale but don't worry I won't do anything to your Ryan..yet," he said and I know he couldn't do anything to him because he didn't exist but what about me.

"You know Amore what I hate the most is.... lying,"  my soul literally shivered remembering his words when I first met him.

"Why, why do you want to meet him?" I asked

He sighed and said "I just want to let him know that this Xavier Romano must be wounded but he didn't forget to fight for the things which belong to him and you,

you belong to me".


Merry Christmas to all my dear readers. May you all become the Santa of your own lives and accomplish your all wishes.🌟🎄🎅 

Hope you guys like this chapter.

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