Chapter 36- Regret

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Author's pov

"SAM throw her out of my house". Xavier screamed and Sam held Andrea's wrist and started dragging her. She was screaming back at Xavier with teary eyes and looking at Rose with disgust while Rose stood still in anger. She was furious with Andrea's words which were no less than venom. Rose looked at Xavier before storming back to her room, Xavier ran his fingers through his locks in anger and frustration. He felt betrayed after knowing Andrea's doing, even though he never felt any romantic feelings for her but still she was always his childhood friend for whom he always cared. He always tries to make her understand patiently but her stubbornness always came in between of his patience, this time she had crossed all the limits for which he can never forgive her.

Meanwhile, Sam dragged Andrea out of the mansion but Andrea angrily jerked her hand off his grip and stepped back looking at him in rage soon she broke down, she started crying hysterically while crouching down holding her hair. Sam was looking at her with a pained expression which Andrea was unable to comprehend in front of her own agony. Sam stood silently staring at her before extending his hand, Andrea stared at his hand for a few seconds before holding it. 

She slowly stood up and Sam said "What have you made of yourself Andrea?" Andrea listened and painfully scoffed before replying.

"I did what I feel was right for making Xavier mine even if it meant my own destruction, I was desperate and willing to do everything and I don't regret my any action," she said but Sam lowly chuckled and stood in front of her shoving his hands in his pockets.

"What have you achieved then?" Sam asked and Andrea stood still not knowing what to say because she herself know the truth for which Sam just lightly smiled and said "You yourself know the truth, Andrea, then stop pretending, stop being the person whom you are not. You are not the same girl who used to cry over others' pain, who was thoughtful, and most importantly she was aware of what is right and what is wrong."

Andrea listened to his words carefully before replying and said "You know Sam since we were kids my only dream was Xavier, I used to get very happy when he used to hold my hand while going to school, I felt secure when he protected me from the bullies in school when they bullied me because of not having a mom by my side anymore. He was always there for me--" 

Before Andrea could say further Sam interrupted in between and said "were you there for him Andrea when he needed support? Did you ever support his decision? No, because you never cared. For you, your own feelings were most important and you become blind to see what he feels. You became selfish Andrea that you are not expecting but forcing him to feel the way you feel but you forgot one thing he's a freaking human who had feelings even though he didn't show them and trust me everyone has that much right to love, we can't force them to love us" Sam said and Andrea stood rooted on her place with wide eyes.

"I ask you again, do you regret Andrea? Sam asked

"You can't understand this Sam because you never fell for someone, you can't understand the feeling when you love someone who doesn't love you back but let me tell me you, it hurts it hurts so damn much that you started feeling suffocated by yourself," Andrea said refusing to accept but deep down she knew what she did is wrong and Sam is totally aware of it. Andrea immediately ran away leaving Sam behind without realizing that behind her every word there was always another boy present behind Xavier protecting her, burying his feelings deep inside his heart.

Sam painfully chuckled and ran behind her screaming her name but she continued to cry while running. Both Andrea and Sam's eyes went wide when they saw a car coming toward her but she closed her eyes submitting to her fate and soon the car hit her making her body fly in the air. Her body fell on the road with a thud while blood was covering her body. Sam was numb, he ran towards her with his shivering legs and embraced her limped body in his embrace while tears were leaking from his eyes. 

"I re...regret" Andrea whispered and soon her eyes wet closed.

In Romano's Mansion

Xavier is standing in front of the glass window while smoking a death stick and another one in his pants pocket staring at the city in the dark room. Only city lights were illuminating the dark silent room but soon the silence of the environment was disturbed by his phone ringing he sighed and pick the call.

"Xavier, Andrea got into the accident, " Sam said

"What? I, I am coming, send me the location" Xavier said and cut the call.

Xavier ran his hand through his hair and crushed the cigarette under his shoe and stormed out of the mansion unknown that Rose saw him going out of the mansion from her room's window. She sighed and saw his car exiting from the main door. Her attention went towards the door when someone knocked at the door.

"Come in," she said and Jacob came inside her room while looking at Rose turned her face away to the window when she saw Jacob coming towards her. Jacob sighed and sat beside Rose without saying anything. He cleared his throat to get his attention but Rose didn't turn around but continued because he knew she was listening.

"Since the day you came I was in love with you Rose but too hesitant or maybe scared to confess in fear of rejection but when I got to know about your marriage I was hopeless and heartbroken. I felt hope when Ana came to me and told me about Xavier I became too desperate to have you even after knowing I was doing wrong but trust me, Rose, my feelings for you were always pure that I couldn't...." Jacob said but Rose cut him in between.

"Love is selfless Jacob, you don't become desperate to have them but their presence is enough even if it is as a friend. For me, you were my only friend who saw me crying, comforted me at my worst, and made me laugh, and smile but after what you did I felt betrayed and hurt. But now I am relaxed that you realized your mistake, I know you are not a bad person and everyone deserves a second chance so I forgive you, Jacob." Rose said while lightly smiling at him after listening to her Jacob couldn't hold back his tears, he was guilty of hurting his best friend who he loves dearly because of his selfishness he did something for which he couldn't forgive himself but still, girl in front of him forgive him that easily.

"C..Can I hug you, Rose...for the last time" Jacob whispered, and Rose gently smiled wrapping her arms around him, he hugged her back while crying.

"I..I am sorry" he said and ran out of her room.


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