CHAPTER 3- I want her

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" I am Xavier, Xavier Romano

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" I am Xavier, Xavier Romano...

Babygirl. He said with a smirk

I extended my hand and said, He..hello Mr. Ro..Romano. The touch of his rough hands on my hands was enough to make me feel nervous and i guess he also knew that.

"Are you nervous Mia Bella?" he said while coming toward me. My back touched the wall and he trapped me between his muscular arms. His approximately 6'2 height was enough to tower over my 5'2..   "Tell me amore" he whispered near my ear and that was it I started feeling drowsy by his close intimacy. His rich cologne hit my nose giving me a sense of warmth that i never felt before with anyone. I just shook my head not believing my words. He just chuckled huskily like I just cracked some sort of joke.

"You know Amore what I hate the most is.... lying," he said with a tint of anger in his voice like he was giving me some kind of warning. I..I am so..sorry I said not knowing what to say.. I was feeling intimated by him like he was looking through my soul.  His gaze was making me feel weak on my knees I guess he felt that too that's why he wrapped his arms around me. He kelt his finger under my chin and I look at him.

"Look at me Amore when I am speaking to you," he said and I nodded. Little did she know someone was boring holes in her head with so much hatred who is ready to kill her at any time.


They both were lost in each other eyes looking at each other with the lodge of love passion and comfort unaware of their surroundings. They both came out from their la la land when they heard Alex..

"You are here  Mr. Romano I thought you went to the washroom".. Alex said. " I did Mr. William but you never told me you had such a beautiful lady in your house," Xavier said not taking his eyes from Rose whose gaze is still on the floor.

"O...Oh yes Mr. Romano she is my younger daughter Rose she's kind of shy. So she barely interacts with new people". Alex said while Xavier only nodded not leaving the angelic sight in front of him.

"You go inside dear and sleep it's already late," Alex said with a pseudo smile, and Rose just nodded. "We'll meet again miss William" with a slight smirk on his face making her heart beat going crazy, she immediately went to her with her thumping heart and red cheeks.

" Calm down rose, Calm down why this stupid heart is beating like crazy" she got startled when she heard someone beating her door furiously. She opened the door and saw her mom, dad, and Ana looking all red in anger and ready to kill her anytime. "Didn't I warn you bitch not to come? "Judy said and slapped her hard making her fall to the ground her lips started bleeding due to the impact of the slap. She fell on the floor and Ana started kicking her stomach, Rose was screaming in pain and agony but none of them stopped like their ears went all deaf to hear her painful screams.

"Useless fucking whore, let's go Ana let this bitch rot," Judy said. "You go mom I have something important to discuss with this slut" Ana said and crouched down and clutched her hair, Rose whimpered in pain.

"What are you planning you bitch. Oh how can I forget you are a filthy bitch who likes to spread legs to men don't you". Ana said with so much venom in her voice. "W..Wh..What are you saying". Rose said while whimpering in pain..

"Look at this whore again started her drama.. bitch this fake innocence will not work on me.. How dare you to seduce my Xavier, Oh how can I forget you mastered this, right? Lock this one thing in your fucking mind that Xavier is mine only mine, understood you slut". Ana said while gritting her teeth and left the poor girl broken again lying on the cold floor whimpering in pain.

"why me? why?"... poor girl started crying hysterically not only because she was physically her heart was hurting more from the cruelty of people she loves selflessly who always hurt her without any remorse without any glint of regret.

The next morning Rose woke up with her red puffy eyes which clearly pouring her pain. She started doing her daily chores while limping in pain and just like always no one cared. After she went to the cafe for her part-time job where she met her only best friend Jacob.

Jacob's smile dropped by looking at her condition, bruised lips and cheeks are the proof of her agony.." Rose why, why are you bearing all this look what they made you lifeless". Jacob said while clenching his fist. "Shut it already Jacob I don't want to talk about this right now". Rose said emotionlessly like all emotions are drained from her life.

The day I went to that bastard's house I was fuming in rage my mother's screaming was hitting my head but my rage calmed in a second when thoughts of those blue eyes came like a wave to calm me

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The day I went to that bastard's house I was fuming in rage my mother's screaming was hitting my head but my rage calmed in a second when thoughts of those blue eyes came like a wave to calm me. I was feeling something unusual in my heart, I was feeling desperate to see her. With each and every second I was getting impatient but that bitch Ana ruined everything by placing her filthy hand on me. I was feeling like to bore every single bullet in her head, that filthy bitch had some guts to lay her filthy hands on me I was desperately feeling to kill her at that moment but at the same time I don't want to ruin anything, I don't want that bitch to ruin my plan that's why I excused myself to go washroom but then I saw a petite small girl in a white frock whose back was facing me. My legs started to move like she was pulling me towards herself with great force, my steps halted just behind her intoxicated sweet smell invaded my nostrils making me feel pleasure in ecstasy. She turned around when she felt a presence behind her, she lost her balance and was about to fall when I wrapped my arms around her small waist and held her tight towards me. She clenched her little fists on my shirt and her eyes were tightly closed in fear.

At that moment I felt like everything just stopped around me. She was very beautiful like an angel, her perfectly shaped brows thick curled lashes button nose and chubby cheeks tinted red in color silky brown curls and those lips only I knew how I stopped myself from kissing the life out of her. When she slowly opened her crystal blue doe eyes, from that moment onwards i only knew only one thing that..

I want her






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With love


Happy reading💖

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