Chapter 2: Shoot! I Knew Parties Sucked

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Before we begin, I feel the need to clarify the ages and timeline for both because it's very confusing.

Percy is 40
Bruce is 42
Dick is 28
Jason is 23
Tim is 20
Cass is 22
Steph is 20
Damien is 14
Duke is 17

I know it's inconsistent but if someone has any better ages then I'll gladly hear them out. It's just very confusing lol. Anyways thanks for listening to my rambling, please enjoy! -R

----------------Bruce's POV: ---------------

I adjusted the suit that was terribly tight, the collar was choking me, and the cuffs were itchy and- good God these two just won't shut up.

The couple in front of me continued to talk, their smiling faces holding a look of superiority, a look that nearly everyone who attended my parties held. I tried my best to keep my straight face instead of groaning on sight though I 'm sure my face was losing its glam.

I never liked these parties, not when my mother and father were here, not when I was on my own, and not now. Doing this for appearances is annoying but necessary and yet they still continued to weigh me down all through the night.

I spared a glance away from the couple and to the crowd where I spotted Duke and Cassandra talking quietly, both holding smiles though Cass's was much gentler than Duke's.

A small part of me was glad they were enjoying themselves but another and or the majority felt bad for even having to make them attend, Duke was still new and everyone in the house knew how stressful these events were. I'm sure it's why the others all came as well, each checked in on him in their own ways, though Damien's was a bit more brash as he often is.

This party was nothing too special, just a charity event, the money going to the aid of the Gotham police department. We had cocktail shrimps, a couple sets of drinks, and a whole buffet set up near the side of the main entrance of the manor.

All in all your average event of this scale.

"And then I told her 'well I don't pay you for nothing!" The two in front of me broke out into boisterous laughter, apparently I'd missed the punchline but it didn't matter as I played it off with a courteous smile.

The gentleman in front of me recovered from his laughing fit with a deep breath, his white mustache moving and showing his adjusting lips movements. "You know Mr. Wayne, I'm not sure how you've managed to keep up with these parties throughout the years, you truly are your fathers son" I once again replied with a small bow of my head and smile, as I'd done 20 times that night.

"Thank you, that means a lot to me, especially coming from you." The man's smile became much more proud as his chest puffed out a bit.

"It's no problem, but I feel we must make great use of this time. I'd love to discuss some business ventures that could be highly profitable for the both of us" the man's mustache curved to make a bowl-like shape, surely mimicking the look of his lips beneath the lip blanket.

"Of course, shall we-" My misery was cut short by the sounds of gunshots and screaming, and just like that people were on the ground, hands on their heads and men in all black were walking around with large Ak-47's in their grasps, each looking over the people with malicious looks.

I dropped down with the couple mimicking the movements of the others around me.

"Everyone! Put your jewelry in the bag and no one gets hurt!" one of the men called out above the crowd and instantly women and men alike were rushing to get their jewelry off. I looked around before trying to back up but I was stopped by an arm on my hand. I looked to see the older gentleman stopping me, his face a mixture of concern and disbelief.

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