Chapter 48: --------

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—-------------Bruce POV: —---------------

As I burst through the door the first thing that was made apparent to me was that my kids were fighting off a group of the attackers. Dick and Jason working together to take down the mini legion that had formed in front of them. Then I saw Cass and Tim, both leaned over something.

Then her head fell back. Her hair falling back as Tim and Cass yelled, the others turning back with bad expressions.

At that moment the world seemed to momentarily freeze.

Even from here I could see Percy's smile, her relaxed expression not at all fit for the situation.

I knew I should've fought back when she pushed me in the room. I knew I shouldn't have just let her go. I knew better.

I could only hear Damein yell out from beside me as he had seen what happened. The noise shook me back to reality as I suddenly raced forwards, helping Dick and Jason take out the rest of the men.

Once everyone was down, I could get a clear look at Percy. Cassandra was standing over a very Percy, holding her hand tight while Tim tried his best calling to her.

I could see the white shirt she had on now stained nearly completely red, the piece of cloth tied around her waist beginning to turn red as well.

I raced over, looking down to see both the kids crying over her.

"I-I don't know what happened! She was with us, we had her!" Tim yelled, keeping his grip firm on her shoulder as if still trying to minimize damage.

My head was a mess, from the people screaming down the hall to Percy's almost lifeless form, everything was so loud and yet so quiet at the same time.

"We need to get her to a hospital now!" Jason yelled, coming beside me. He turned to me with an almost angry expression. "Get into that ballroom and help out those people, Stephanie, Duke, Dick, Damien, help Bruce, we need the civilians to be safe. Tim, follow me, and make sure to keep up."

"Whoa whoa, I'll take her." I said quickly, "You guys-"

"Percy just saved my life and as far as I'm concerned, she's coming with me so you either back down or more people in that hall over there are gonna die." He looked at me furiously, I couldn't help but glare back.

Usually I could tolerate Jason's moodiness, but now, in this kind of situation, the whole act was getting on my nerves.

"Stop fucking fighting, for the last time Percy is in danger and if you two don't pull your damn egotistical selves together then she will die. Die! All because you couldn't keep your childishness to yourselves!!" Damein yelled, causing everyone to look over to him. "As far as I'm concerned, I elect you both to go into that hall, I'll go with Tim, everyone agrees?" Damein looked around; the others nodded in agreement. "Great, let's go Tim."

I looked over at Percy to see her looking over at me with a confused and dazed look. "Bruc-?" Before I could tell them to stop, the two were off without a word, leaving the rest of us in the dark hallway.


"You guys get ready; we're taking care of these guys."

—------------------Damien's POV: --------------------

How could they, no better yet, how DARE they.

I looked over to Tim who was keeping up well while moving Percy as little as possible, her head was now laid against his chest, bouncing with every step like a doll's lifeless form.

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