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--------------- Percy's POV: ---------------

The cool wind cut crisp across my cheek as I walked down the street. I rubbed my hands against each other in front of me as I walked, occasionally blowing some warm air into them as I tried to hurry to Damien's school. 

It was the middle of fall, nearing winter and I was hurrying to pick up Damien from school like I'd promised. 

It was the day before break officially started and after Damien tried, and failed, to convince Bruce to let him skip school his second best option was to have me come pick him up. To say there wasn't much convincing needed was an understatement. 

I smiled at the memory of his smiling face, the way he silently celebrated while trying to keep cool. It warmed my heart to know that Damien had been opening up more and more around me. 

I turned to look out at the street, the sight of people walking around in thick jackets and long scarves flowing in the wind had become a more common sight in recent weeks, and I had to say that I envied some of those jackets right about now. Sure I'd been a little hasty when leaving the house but hey! I promised I was going to be early today and I wasn't about to go back on my word. 

I blew another gust of warm air into my hands before picking up the pace, the school coming into sight in front of me. 

A lot had happened since I recovered my memory, for one, Bruce and I had gotten more serious, and I was happy to say that I was now officially moved in, and while it took some adjusting to, like walking in to the kitchen during midnight to find a, frankly, terrifying Tim, screen bright against his pale skin, or the countless pranks Dick and Steph have pulled and now Duke who seemed to be falling into their patterns as of late, or Bruce leaving at random times of night, kissing me goodbye before disappearing to early morning I can't say I wasn't happy. 

Sure, I was a lot more worried now, and while I lied to Bruce about being able to sleep whenever he went out during the night, I trusted them to come back, and if not, I'm sure I could pull in a few favors with the gods. 

Another strong gust pushed my hair from around my neck and behind me, cooling the one area that had been warm previously and sending a shiver down my spine. I quickly pulled it back, hoping it would warm up quickly as I turned to look down both ways of the street. Once I decided it was clear I ran across, clearing it to the other side of the street and now noticeably closer to the school. 

I no longer had a job as a bodyguard, unfortunately, Bruce had made that clear once I'd moved in, but I did bring in income whenever I'd help fight for Sam, though I didn't fully let Bruce know to the extent of how much I was helping. I'm sure he's still under the impression that I just mop the floors. But if not from there, then from my help at the camp, though that's only when Nico comes to pick me up. 

Speaking of which, the others come around a lot, and I'm happy to say that Annabeth is now married to a lovely lady. I believe they're off travelling right about now. I smile at the warm memory of them at the alter. I was happy she was happy. 

I finally made it in front of the school, the large and pristine building cast a large shadow on the buildings beside it. I quickly grabbed my phone from my pocket. I had a minute or two till they let the kids out. I took in a deep breath, releasing it only for a large white plume to leave my mouth. 

A few messages from Tim were bright on my phone, something that made me smile immediately. Tim had been doing great lately, a bit stressed but great, no matter how much he tried to downplay it. 

He was helping Bruce's business to flourish, and while Bruce hadn't told him yet, I knew that he was planning on relinquishing the business to him once Bruce were to retire. He deserved it honestly. 

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