Chapter 42: A Very Sickly Plane Flight

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"Right, be good Ms'Oleary, you hear me?" I told the dog, her obedient bark sounding happy as she turned to Damein who looked at her with an unreadable expression. When he noticed me looking at her, he gave me a smile.

"She'll be in good hands, don't worry." I nodded, standing up as I walked over to him. I ruffled his hair, receiving something between a screech and a gasp. I let out a short laugh as he halfheartedly threw my hand from his hair.

"I never doubted you for a second." I turned to Ms'Oleary and gave her a short smile, her tail wagging happily at the small gesture. "Now I better get going before your dad blows a gasket." Damien let out a snort, shaking his head.

"Good luck, Percy" I nodded, grabbing my bag before turning to leave.

When I got outside, I could see a frustrated Bruce as he talked angrily over the phone. I'd noticed the next day that Bruce seemed to be especially agitated, but I guess anyone in his situation would do the same.

"-right, we'll let Jhonathan know his neck is on the line. One more screw up of this magnitude and I don't care just how great of a guy he is, he'll be on coffee duty all year, or better yet, of the team as a whole!" Bruce almost yelled, hanging up before pinching the bridge of his nose. I let out a short sigh before approaching him, placing a careful hand on his shoulder.

"Bruce, is everything okay?" It was more of a courtesy to ask but Bruce didn't even bother answering, instead choosing to let out a short huff. After a while Alfred walked over.

"Master Bruce, Percy, we must be leaving now." I nodded, giving one more glance to Bruce before heading to the back of the car to both put away my bag in the trunk and to close the trunk itself. I was told we would be going to the airport, so I tried to pack light. With that done I hurried into the car, taking a seat besides Bruce who seemed to have cooled down if only a little.

"Sorry about before" Bruce mumbled as I shut the door, a smile making its way on my face.

"It's no problem, I understand this is more than a bit stressful." Bruce paused for a moment before nodding. The car took off as we began on our way, and I could feel his hand grab my own. I happily squeezed his hand back letting out a short breath. "Just try and go with the flow, as best as you can that is." He nodded, looking out the window as the scenery began to fly by.

We sat in silence for a bit before we began talking about Ms O'leary. I admit, the kids and I hadn't done a great job explaining how we found her and why we needed to hang up posters but we had been fumbling over each other in order to go to the park, so I suppose now made up for it.

When we finally made it to the airport, I wasn't sure if Bruce was more stressed or if he found the whole situation funny, so I decided to believe it was the latter. When we stopped out front of the airport Bruce and I quickly got out, grabbing our bags before wishing Alfred a final goodbye.

The whole inside of the airport was a bit of a blur as Bruce tried his best to keep his identity on the down low, and while personally I didn't understand how sunglasses and a hat hid his identity too well, I went with it, even using his preferred nickname, B, literally just the letter.

Miraculously we made it all the way through with little to no issues, making it just in time to board the plane.

The big issue came the second I stepped on the plane; it was like my whole system wanted to reject it. I blinked a few times at the sudden change in feeling, it wasn't like I'd been feeling this the whole way, not even a small buildup, but the second my foot touched the plane my stomach began doing somersaults and a headache began to form at the base of my head.

I must've been holding us up because Bruce looked back at me with slight confusion. I gave him a small smile, trying my best to hide the growing feeling as I fully got on the plane. The only nice part was we had a seat near the front, and I elected to take the aisle seat both because it was safer for him to sit near the window and because I was afraid that if I weren't near the aisle, I'd have to look out the window and the mere thought made me want to hurl.

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