Chapter 29: Getting Home With New Rules

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-----------Percy's POV:---------------

We stopped at my place a little sooner then I'd like.

While I was happy to be home, I almost didn't want this night to end.

I turned to Bruce with a small smile as I prepared myself to go up to my apartment. "You know, that wasn't as bad as you guys made it out to be."

Bruce nodded. "It wasn't that bad, just this once." I let out a short laugh.

"Right, well then I'll see you tomorrow." I said with a quick wave, edging towards the door.

"Yes." Bruce said with a bit of a disappointed tone.

I gave him one final smile before I turned to the door, opening it as a swift breeze caught me off guard, causing me to try and shake off the cold shivers. "Night Bruce, sleep tight." I pushed myself out of the car, trying my best to keep from thinking of the cold wind.

I closed the door behind me, walking over to the door of my apartment building. That was until I heard the sounds of the car door opening and closing behind me. I turned quickly to see Bruce walking over.

I felt my brows furrow as he approached me.

"Not goodbye I guess?" Bruce just gave me a small look.

"I figured I'd at least walk you up to your place. It's the least I could do." He tried, though he could even tell that wasn't a really sound argument.

I didn't push it, instead giving him a smile as I nodded. "Okay, let's get going then."

Bruce took a breath of relief as the two of us began to ascend the building, though not much conversation was passed.

When we finally reached my place I unlocked the door, turning to Bruce with a smile. "Well, you've brought me to my place." I paused as I looked at him, his face put into a small smile. "You wanna come in?" I asked with a small smirk.

Bruce seemed a bit surprised, taking a moment to contemplate whether or not he wanted to accept or not.

"No, or rather I do but I think I need rest." I nodded, keeping the door open a bit with my foot. "But I do think we need to discuss something." I already had a bit of an idea as to what the conversation was going to be about, but I decided to let him keep going.

"Alright, what's up?"

"About the kiss thing." I nodded, easing my body language a bit. "I feel I need to ask, are you looking for an actual relationship out of this?"

I nodded immediately, letting a small smile rise to my face. "Absolutely."

He nodded as well, and I could see relief flood his expression. "Alright, well then I think rules need to be set."

I nodded. "Sounds good to me, so do you have some in mind?"

"I was thinking, maybe no relations at work, I think it'll make it easier on the both of us."


"And let's try and keep it quiet for a little bit, I'd rather the media not get into this until later."

"Alright, and I'm assuming this pertains to the children and Alfred as well?"

"Mainly the kids, Alfred will find out when he wants to. I've never been able to keep anything from him for long." I couldn't stop the small smirk that rose to my lips. I had to hold in the small laugh though.

"You got it. Anything else?"

Bruce paused before shaking his head. "Not that I can think of, do you have anything?"

I pursed my lips, "If something were to happen at a party or I don't know, someone breaks into your house, then I want you to allow me to do my job. No rescue or last save bullcrap. I'm still bound by the job and will fulfill it as so."

Bruce stood still for a moment, looking over my expression but I only raised my eyebrows in return. Eventually, he relented "Alright, we have a deal."

I felt my smile come back. "Good, then on that note, I think I'm gonna get out of this dress and into something slightly more comfortable." Bruce took a deep breath and nodded.

"Goodnight Percy, I'll see you tomorrow morning."

"Goodnight." I gave him a small wave and backed up. "See you, Bruce."

Bruce just gave me a wave as he turned to walk off.  I watched him go off before turning to go back into my apartment. The coolness of the room contrasting from the warmth of the hallway.

I let out a short breath as I quickly made my way into my room, the tiredness hitting me like a brick.

As I walked, I slipped off my shoes, tossing them away on the way, and I could hear them clack to the ground somewhere behind me.

I finally made it to my room, the pitch darkness surrounding me like a blanket. I let out a sigh as I flicked the lights on, the room suddenly now flooded with light.

Some of my clothes were scattered off to the side on the floor but for the most part my room was clean.

I made my way over to the closet, struggling slightly to unzip the back of my dress, the zipper getting caught on something. Eventually though, I managed to tug it lose, the dress falling down to surround my ankles.

I felt a shiver rip down my spine as the cool air made contact with my skin. I could feel some stinging coming from a few scars but I paid them no mind. It was something that happened often.

I quickly shoved on some pajamas, hoping that they would warm me quicker. I quickly hurried back into my room, shutting the closet door behind me as I walked over to my bed, sitting on the side as I faced my closed windows, the curtains pulled tight over it.

I let out a small sigh as I began to undo my hair, placing the flowers on the table near the side of my bed.

As I finally put them all down, my hair unraveling down onto my shoulders, I couldn't help but smile at the flowers.

A yawn cut me from my thoughts as my eyes suddenly decided to shut. With the last of my strength I pushed myself up, walking over to the wall as I turned off the lights, the darkness surrounding me once more.

After one last shuffle, I flopped onto the bed, the soft blankets ushering me into its grasp.

I let my eyes shut as the thoughts of tonight passed through my mind. The last thing I felt was a smile roll onto lips.

1128 words

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