Chapter 22: I Shoot a Girl with Some Windex

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-------------Percy's POV: ---------------

Luckily, I'd been able to get home the night before without trouble, so I'd gotten a decent enough sleep without waking up after my usual alarm. Before work I even managed to get a quick shower in, but I sacrificed cleaning the wound on my cheek and instead rushed out the house, doing everything on my walk over, so I could only hope that it looked semi decent. 

By the time I arrived at the house, I'd gotten there just in time for breakfast, doing the usual as I watched over the kids and made light conversation with them, though I was a bit surprised when Damein even chimed in, giving his astute thoughts and feelings on certain concepts and things. I admit, it was heartwarming to know he was finally warming up to me a bit. 

But before long it was time for them to go to school, or for those older than school ages, time for them to wander off and do their own thing, leaving me to clean around the house. 

Today, I'd been assigned to the halls, as usual, as well as certain rooms I'd quickly grown used to. But today, one new room stood out, this being the gym. Sure, I'd been in the gym, but I'd never been in it alone, not to mention having to clean the whole darn thing, I was actually kinda dreading it honestly. 

I'd only been in Sam's gym alone once, I'd offered to close since he'd been sick and had to go home, but even the thought of the place was creepy. Maybe it was the fact that I knew there was a large space below it with many crevices and places to hide, or the fact that the mirrors set up on the walls forced me to see every little movement I made in various locations. It still freaks me out to this day. 

I could only hope that it wouldn't be like that as I walked into Bruce's gym. 

As I entered the room, I could easily make out the sounds of the sandbags being punched. I could feel my brows furrow as I turned to look at who it was. Maybe it was Bruce? I mean he had the figure for someone who would try out fighting. 

As my eyes landed on the punching bags, I was met with the sight of a blonde, her hair in a ponytail that hung lower on her head, but still giving the hair space to fling itself side to side with momentum. 

"Hello?" I called out, but it seems to girl was too enraptured in her fight to notice me. 

I took a few steps closer, trying my best to call to her but once that didn't work, I just decided to walk over. I'd rather figure out who she was if she was yet another child of Bruce. Seriously, unless he was picking up every single kid off the side of the street, I'd say he had an addiction. A very strange but, in certain ways, helpful addiction. 

"Hel-" I was cut off from trying to talk to her as the girl turned around, her fist coming at me so fast I was afraid it would hit me. Before I could respond, my arm flew up, blocking her fist so quickly I could barely see my own appendage. The girl's eyes opened wide as she seemed to realize what was happening. 

She pulled her fist back quickly. Her blue eyes, that seemed to match the rest of her family, gaining an apologetic look. 

"I am so sorry!" She said quickly, shaking her head as what seemed to be a way of snapping herself back into reality. "I just got lost in a fight." I ignored the pain in my arm as I lowered it to my side, giving the girl a smile in return.

 "It's no problem, I guess I was just a bit worried when you hadn't responded to me." She nodded, her apologetic look getting stronger. 

"Once again, I'm sorry, it's just," she turned to the punching bag with a nonverbal sigh, "You can only imagine so many scenarios, and I can't seem to beat that level in the stupid training sessions-" 

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