Chapter 23: A Threat of Getting Kidnapped

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-------------Percy's POV: ---------------

Bars were never my thing. Alyssa had taken me to one not long after we met, and it has to be one of the things I've hated most in my time in Gotham. 

Thieves? Nope.

Weird neighbors? Last time I checked I was okay.

Constant fear? Oddly not a problem.

But bars, bars always freaked me out. Maybe it was atmosphere, or the fact that people got dumber in there, but I know one part of it was the smell of alcohol. 

The smell lingered and just made the whole place smell like crap. If it wasn't alcohol, then it was B.O, or vomit, in fact, any smell in bars usually tended to be bad. 

In conclusion, I hated bars. 

Which is why I really wasn't too stoked to be here. 

In celebration of a big win of Alyssa's everyone had decided to go out, and while dinner was positively delicious, the latter part of the night was turning to be a bit more then I signed up for. 

Here I was, sat in one of the places I hated most, watching Luke and Alyssa be drunk out of their minds as they yelled over a foosball table, and Sam, well he might have it worse. 

While Alyssa and Luke were like this with or without Alcohol, Sam was usually a composed guy, which is why when he got alcohol and practically became a yelling machine, it was a bit strange to see. 

I watched them all from my spot at the bar, shaking my head over some fries the bartender had brought over in sympathy. I'm sure he knew something about what was happening. 

"Hit 'em where it hurtssss" Sam slurred, motioning with his drink towards Luke who was struggling to stay up right, and his soccer players were paying dearly, only really kicking at the ball because the pole with turning from Luke trying to use them as support. 

Alyssa nodded, clearly not having heard much but was still in the winning spirt as she let out a war cry, turning the handles as fast as she could, which admittedly, wasn't very fast but was still better than what Luke was doing. 

I turned away from them just as they let out various screams. 

Sure, there were other people from the gym here, but I couldn't name any of them, and it would be too awkward to go up and ask them, especially now when I've been associated with them for more than a few hours.

"Well hello Ma'am, it's too nice of a night to be alone." A man said, taking a seat next to me. "Is there any way I could accompany you?"

I turned to him. The guy clearly wasn't here to make me feel better, men like him had been showing up ever since we got here, and I'd shooed more than a few of them away from Alyssa as she was too drunk to think clearly herself. His eyebrows were up in faux concern but the smirk that played at his lips said otherwise. 

"Screw off, I'm not interested." I said nastily, turning back to my now cold fries. 

"Jeez, what pole did you stick up your-"

I turned to him with a glare, "Did I stutter?" his mouth shut immediately as he stood up and walked off quickly, forgetting his pathetic excuse of an insult. 

I really didn't want to be here now. I was tired and it was getting late. But the others were too lost out their wits to even try and walk home. I knew Sam lived a few blocks away, but I wouldn't be able to look his wife in the eyes if I left him alone to fair in the street of Gotham. 

So, I stuck around, messing with my fries. I wasn't hungry but pushing them around the plate was more entertaining than nothing I suppose. 

"Are you finished with that ma'am?" The bartender asked, walking over as he leaned against the counter. 

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