Chapter 46: Frosting....Everywhere

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—————Percy's POV: ——————

When we'd arrived it was super late, the usually smoggy sky was now pitch black, allowing for the street lights to cast their dim lights stronger than usual.

As soon as the car stopped I was out the door, putting my arm behind my head as I stretched. Being cramped in a car for so long wasn't nice on the...well everything. I could feel my bones ache and I swear when I got out of the car I heard my knees crack.

"You okay there Percy?" Alfred asked, walking around the side of the car as Bruce got out behind me.

I nodded, smiling as much as my tired face would let me. Somehow that nap in the bus only seemed to make me more tired than before. "I'm all good Alfred, just a bit cramped." I let out a short laugh, earning a smile back from Alfred.

"I see, if I'd have known that you and Master Bruce were coming back so early I would've made arrangements for a comfier form of transportation."

"No no, it was fine." Bruce let out a short huff besides me as he followed suit in stretching, the ride was awful on everyone I suppose. "In fact, I think I quite enjoyed my ride." I nudged Bruce slightly as Alfred turned to grab the suitcases out the trunk. Bruce gave me a short smile in return before the two of us went to help Alfred out.

Once we had our suitcases we began walking into the manor. I suppose I'd just stay here for the night, I'd rather not walk home at this hour.

"So did we miss anything?" I asked as Alfred began to unlock the door.

"Well, the kids missed you quite a lot, and I must say, Ms. O'leary seemed to be quite pleasantly trained." As the door swung open we found the lights all off. The lights never seemed to be off here, at least not entirely.

I gingerly stepped inside, though Alfred did with ease, maneuvering his way into the darkness as if he could see perfectly fine.

With a sudden bark, the lights turned on, the kids jumping out with small hats that couldn't have been bigger than my palm. Ms.O'leary bounded towards me, eventually placing her paws on my hip as she barked excitedly. I turned to Bruce to see he had a small smile, the kids letting out short laughs.

"I totally got them! Didn't you see!" Jason said, holding a confident and slightly snarky look as he began to walk over.

The room was decorated in balloons that were laying on the floor and streamers that were half haphazardly stuck to the wall as if someone had jumped to place them there, which, probably was the truth.

"Did we surprise you?" Cass asked with a smile, walking over to the two of us with everyone else in tow.

I nodded. "You got me good, I assumed everyone- everyone but Tim, was asleep by now." Tim rolled his eyes but his smile stayed true as they tried to guide us over to the small table they set up.

"We heard what happened in New York so we figured we'd throw you a little party to make up for it, as well as the bad news." Duke said with a smile, stopping us in front of the table. "You would not believe the effort we had to go through to stop Jason from eating your snacks, seriously, it was like keeping an angry bird away from its worm."

"Hey! If anything I'm like a cool wolf or something!" Jason retorted, giving a small glare to Duke who let out a short laugh.

"Oh yeah with the 'Food! Food! Food!' you really sounded like a mean old wolf" Duke said, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah well-!"

"Enough!" Stephanie yelled, getting in between the two as she served them each their own glare. "Right now, let's eat." Stephanie handed me a knife, and pushed over the cake platter. As I went to cut into the cake, a sudden loud noise followed by frosting going everywhere sounded out. For a moment it was quiet until Dick and Stephanie high fived, laughing as they looked around at everyone.

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