Chapter 9: First day, first pains

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-------------Percy's POV: ----------------

I was never gonna get used to this run. Mark my words.

I caught my breath as I clicked the buzzer, waiting nothing more than a few seconds before the gate opened.

I quickly ran in, jogging up the very long driveway until I reached the door. I had my papers in a small backpack that I wore. I just kept a couple emergency items in there and for attire I stuck to a nice T-shirt and some sleek black pants. Sure, they were a bit fancy for a t-shirt, but I couldn't have my first few days carry a bad impression. I can start dressing like a hobo later.

The door opened to reveal Alfred, a small smile on his lips. "Ms. Persephone, please, come in" I nodded, quickly walking into the house and for some reason, maybe it was the fact that I was now employed here or maybe it was the new morning, but the atmosphere felt different. "I see you have a bag, follow me please."

I nodded, following after him as we went further into the dungeon that was the manor. I knew it would take a while to get used to it but it made me uncomfortable not knowing my way around. As we walked down the halls I spotted various gold plates on the doors, each sporting a different name.






I recognized Dick's, Duke's, and Damien's name but I couldn't help but wonder how many people lived here that I didn't know about. More importantly though, how was I supposed to defend everyone?

I let the thought gain traction in my mind as I continued to think about the topic, that was until I was stopped, Alfred had opened a door, ushering me in.

"Uh, pardon me, but why are we going into a room?" I asked cautiously, stepping inside as I looked at the whole room and holy shizzle sticks, the room was about the size of my entire apartment and then some. I'm sure I probably looked stupid to Alfred but I simply couldn't put it past myself to understand the purpose behind such a massive room.

"This, Ms. Jackson, is your room. If you ever need to stay here or store any items of yours then this would be the place to keep them. We do ask that you keep it tidy though seeing as though you'll be helping me keep the place clean as well as defending." Alfred said, stepping into view as he gently dusted off a part of the wooden bed frame.

I nodded slowly, setting my bag down on the bed. Compared to this place my apartment looked like a cardboard box.

"I can take your papers Ms. Jackson." The fact that I even had the papers suddenly reemerged, and I quickly opened my bag to find the papers I'd signed out the night prior with the help of Sam.

"Here" I said quickly, passing over the sheets.

Alfred gave me a quick nod as he looked them over.

I took in a deep breath "I'm ready to go whenever you are," I said with a smile, giving him a small thumbs up. He smiled back, nodding once before guiding me out of the room.


"I'm glad to see you are already proficient in cooking Ms. Jackson, it'll make this a lot easier" Alfred said with a smile as he set down the steaming plate of eggs.

I nodded, placing down the pancakes. "I make my own meals so it was pretty much sink or swim" I let out a small chuckle though I'm sure it sounded strained.

"I wish that same thing worked on the young masters and mistresses but I'm afraid it has yet to stop them from nearly burning down the kitchen or poisoning each other." This time Alfred let out a small chuckle as he seemed to remember a certain memory.

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