Chapter 43: It Wasn't Funny the First Time

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--------------Percy's POV: -----------------

"So, two coffees, one black and one caramel macchiato with extra whipped cream?" I asked, looking between Bruce and the man he'd been having a meeting with. The man gave me a warm smile and a nod.

"Yep, and don't forget the blueberry muffin." I nodded, sparing one glance back to Bruce.

This morning had been long and boring. From the moment I'd been up I'd been with Bruce, not that this was the boring part but rather it was what we'd been stuck doing. I'd had to stand around listening to men of older ages ramble about various business prospects, numbers, pointing at graphs. All in all, nothing worthy of talking about for hours, and yet they always seemed to have another slide. Bruce and I had only had 20 minutes to pick up lunch before being launched back into these situations.

I'd found over the course of the day that the older men must've thought I was a glorified coffee girl because I'd received various orders for coffees, the most concerning probably being a coffee with 20 sugar packets. Not even mentioning that half the people that asked weren't even having a meeting with Bruce. Safe to say I tried my best to ignore the incoming requests.

Or rather, I tried.

This meeting seemed to be a bit different though. The man he was having a meeting with was Clark, the man who'd briefly appeared in the manor a while back. His smile was bright, nearly perfect to the point of my own slight discomfort, and the amount of gel in his hair was highly concerning.

I nodded, sparing a glance at Bruce who looked less than stoked for me to be leaving. I gave him a small smile, trying my best to give him encouragement before turning and leaving the small office. I let out a short sigh as I prepared to go to the coffee shop Clark requested.

I was tired and ready to go back to my room. The hotel Bruce had chosen smelled amazing, not to mention their tv shows weren't half bad, and I didn't have to deal with snobby coffee orders and pretentious gentlemen. I skipped by the elevator, going down a few flights of stairs quickly, skipping every other step as I sped by the various floors.

When I reached the first floor, I passed by the walking businessmen and as I was leaving the building I passed by an over excited redhead, a cheery smile was on his face, he tried to get me to stop for a talk, but I awkwardly passed by, yelling out an excuse as I quickly hurried away.

By the time I'd left the building the street was the busiest I'd seen it yet. People crowded the sidewalk, pushing past each other aggressively. I let out a short sigh as I began walking down the street, looking for the coffee shop Clark had specifically asked for.

I let out a short huff as I let myself relax. Being around those types of people for so long really does make your shoulders stiff. I looked around, the sounds of the car's loud honking and the busied rush of people around me filled the busy air.

After looking around for a while, I decided to just look for the address on my phone, luckily, the building happened to be only a block or so away.

I turned myself until I was pointed in the direction of the store, hurrying my pace as I'd already been out much too long. People gave me short looks as I passed them, but I kept my head down, my gaze pointed directly in front of me as I scanned the surrounding streets vigilantly.

I could hear a commotion off in the distance, something that sounded like a loud crash or like something was ramming its body into a wall but on a large scale, but I was in no mood to try and stop something, and with the coffee shop in sight, I began to jog, hurrying into the quaint looking coffee shop.

With a small ding, I was in the shop, the strong smell of sugar and caffeine filling my senses as a few people turned my way, turning away upon realizing I wasn't anyone special. I let out a short huff before walking over to the line that led to the cashier.

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