Chapter 4: Training pact

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--------------Percy's POV: ---------------

"WOOOOOOO!!!!" The men yelled out behind as another round surely began. Honestly, I didn't understand how they could find mindless fighting so entertaining but hey, it's keeping my bills paid so they can find whatever they want interesting, I guess.

"So how much did you make tonight?" Alyssa asked, her gaze laid on the stack of cash in my hand. This was only half; the other half was shoved in my bag. I'd prefer to not be robbed senseless thank you.

"A couple hundred? Apparently the first fight was a real doozy." Alyssa snorted, looking back in front of her as we finally reached the gym part of the gym, people not even sending us a single glance as we walked through the building and towards the exit.

Usually, Luke would come and join us, but it seems that he had already left. He told me a couple days prior that his sister was holding a party soon, so I'll just assume it was that.

"So, what's up?" Alyssa asked as we finally reached the exit of the gym, the two of us heading towards our usual lunch spot.

"What do you mean?" I asked, looking over at her to find her arms in the air as she placed her hands on the back of her head.

She glanced over at me with a smirk. "You know what I mean, what's going on in your world? That pen ghost still haunting you? You finally get a partner? Is he or she hot?" I rolled my eyes, looking back in front of me as she chuckled. "I'm pulling your leg; I know you're too busy"

Why did everyone think I was so preoccupied??

"I mean the secret Sam pep-talk, word spreads quick here Ya know" I nodded, pursing my lips as my conflict was thrown to the front of my mind.

"It's nothing... I guess."

"You guess?" Alyssa asked, her smile dropping slightly and instead became a more gentle reassuring smile.

We walked quietly for a second but I could basically feel her prying for more. Eventually I gave in, deciding it would be better to discuss it with someone rather than let it fester in dark silence. "Sam told me about a more consistent job opportunity, said it would alleviate some stress." Alyssa hummed in response but I could hear the upbeat tone it carried.

"So what did you say? You gonna take it?" she asked quietly.

"I didn't really say anything special, I told him I'd try out, give it a try for him in return for all he's done for me and if it doesn't work out it just doesn't work out." I turned back to Alyssa to see her smile had grown.

"I'm glad to see you're at least trying out, I know it's a bit rough for your predicament but from what I've seen it hasn't stopped you yet, so just go out there and do your best." I nodded, my lips becoming more strained than I'd like.

I could feel Alyssa stare on me but then it faded, accompanied by her sigh. "Let's discuss something fun, ay? Is that screamo fanatic still living next door?" I felt my smile return as I nodded.

"Oh you couldn't miss him, I don't think he'll ever leave with the rules being so lenient in my building." Alyssa let out a brief laugh.

"You tried asking yet?"

'Among other things, I really thought playing classical music in return would fix things but I think it just made things worse."

Alyssa removed her hands from her head, bringing them out in front of her as she pounded her fist into the palm of her other hand "Why don't you just kick his a**? I'm sure that would teach him a lesson"

"You know I couldn't do that Alyssa, that would just cause more issues, possibly even an assault case." Alyssa scoffed, turning away from me.

"You're in Gotham Percy, you can basically get away with anything as long as it's behind closed doors."

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