Chapter 50: A Weiner Dog Monster

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---------------Percy's POV: ----------------

"-Percy, I'm telling you to rest, the manor and the kids can survive a few more days without you!" Bruce argued over the phone, his voice bordering on frustration and concern. As much as I loved the time to rest at home it really was nothing compared to hanging out with Bruce and the kids. I'm almost sure that I would heal faster if I was with them. 


I may have also been begged by the kids to come back. 

But Bruce shouldn't be made aware of that. 

"Bruce I'm fine. It was only a bit of blood loss, I'm all good now. I promise." Bruce scoffed on the other end; I could almost see him pinching the bridge of his nose. 

"Percy, I swear you're going to give me an aneurism." I laughed, shaking my head as I looked both ways to make sure it was safe to cross the road. Sure, it was early, and I had little reason to worry but it was always better to be safe than sorry. 

That means little coming from me but seriously, it's good advice when it comes to people who will listen. 

"I try. Don't worry, I'll take it easy, no big work and I'll make sure to have good meals. Plus, Alfred already promised me that I'd basically be sitting in the office with you all day, so I don't have much to worry about!" I argued, smiling as Bruce went silent. 

After a long pause he continued. "You promise you'll take it easy? No strenuous work for four weeks is what the doctor said, it's barely been a week, Percy." Huh, it felt a lot longer than that. Sure, the kids had visited but I'd been mainly alone for the bulk of my time recovering so I was getting bored and fast.  I could almost feel my legs vibrating from the mere thought.

"Promise, now I'm going to go so I can focus, I'll see you in a minute or two." Bruce gave me a nice goodbye before hanging up, but as I lowered my phone and placed it into my pocket, I realized that the vibrations going through my legs wasn't just my imagination. 

My brows furrowed as the vibrations became stronger, it was almost like an earthquake, but I'd never heard of earthquakes in Gotham.

Then the horns began. My head snapped to the sound of rapid honking, cars were rushing in the opposite direction from behind me, cutting through the red light and a few narrowly missing a sure catastrophe. I felt a bad feeling roll down my spine as my hand instinctively went to the pen in my pocket. When I'd found it laying in my bed at the hospital, I'd decided on calling it a good luck charm. This thing could find me anywhere by some miracle.

I looked a little further to see people screaming and running away, the vibrations becoming so strong that I could feel my organs shaking within my ribcage. I placed my other hand on my stomach to try and ease the discomfort staring for a moment longer to try and locate the source of terror. 

In an instant, a man I recognized sprinted around the corner, his hands wrapped firmly around a bow in his hands. While he was running, he seemed to be more concerned on what was behind him, already grabbing another arrow from the pouch on his back, the thin piece of wood getting placed between his fingers as he pulled back and readied a shot. I turned fully to look at what was going to come around when a head of what had to be a dragon peaked around the corner, it's one head soon turning into 4 as a monstrous creature of inhuman sizes ran around the corner, all heads looking around before spotting the man I recognized. 

The man was Frank, the one who was related to the Hazel girl. The guy who comforted me in the woods. 

Frank unleashed his arrow, the metal making contact with the creature's skin, burrowing into the neck before steaming. The creature let out a horrid noise, a mixture between a scream and a screech, the sound forcing me to cover my ears. 

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