Chapter 25: A Sea of Flashing Lights Nearly Blinds Me

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------------Percy's POV: -----------

"Alright, let's go over this once more" Bruce said, holding his hands out in front of him like he was trying to pick up an imaginary box. 

"Right." I said, nodding. My full focus was turned to Bruce, his face set in its usual glare like state, and yet, all I could think about when he turned to me was the smile, he'd carried days ago. 

Man, how it was crazy nice. 

Maybe it was the fact that I didn't see his smile often, so the rarity was alluring, or the fact that it seemed to genuinely just look great on him, even with the sunglasses blocking his eyes. 


How nice would his smile look without the glasses. 

I had to physically shake the thought from out of my head as I regained my focus on Bruce. I didn't have time to think about this, nor should I ever be thinking about this. 

Bruce was sat in the back of the limo, his body turned to me as he tried to explain how the night was going to go. With every gesture he explained a piece of what was going to be happening, almost like this whole thing was scripted and no matter what, things would follow this exact direction. 

It was kinda nice in a reassuring way. 

I only been in the car for a few minutes but getting here was a bit more of a mess then I'd like to say. 

--------------2 hours earlier---------------

This whole dress thing really wasn't fun. I'm not sure what I was thinking when I decided this would be the better option.

Don't get me wrong, the dress was fine, obviously it was still as comfortable as the day I'd gotten it, but the sudden realization that I'd be wearing this to a very public and formal event sent panic shooting through my veins. 

I tried to calm myself, looking at myself sternly in the mirror. I wasn't worried about my appearance I suppose, the bruise and cut had disappeared way quicker then I'd guessed. In fact, it was probably a day or two afterwards, so I guess I must've been seeing some things. 

My hair always wasn't awful, I mean I didn't do anything to it, but I also didn't do anything to it, so it just looked like my usual wavy mess. Sure, I may look a bit tired but nothing you'd be able to see without searching. 

I took a deep breath, running my hands through my hair as I calmed myself. 

I was overreacting. Dick would've said something if the outfit wasn't good, so it checks out, and I'll be okay. I managed to nab some shoes from Alyssa as well, so I was covered there as well, so there really was nothing that was rational enough to be worried about. 

That's right, I was being silly. Everything was going to be okay. 

With the sudden boost of nonsensical confidence, I walked out the door of the bathroom, trying my best to count things around the room in an attempt to distract myself from my quickly fading confidence. 

By the time I was out in the hall my confidence was depleted and my mind was scrambling to come up with another satisfactory reason as to why everything was going to be alright. 

"Ms. Percy?" I turned towards the sound of the voice, finding Alfred at the bottom of the stairs, a slightly concerned look on his face. "Is everything alright?" 

"Yeah, everything is fine!" I said with a smile, continuing my walk towards the stairs. Thank gods these heels were easy to walk in otherwise I'm not sure how far I would've made it. 

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