Chapter 14: Playing Soccer against a pro and a lucky charm

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---------------Percy's POV:----------------

After meeting Cassandra the day seemed to be going as it usually does, helping out with breakfast, setting up the table, watching the kids for breakfast, having Bruce come in late, clean, and then finally head up to stand in the office, except today, on my way to do the final part of my job, I was stopped by Duke, Cassandra, and Tim.

Today was supposed to be Tim's last night before he goes back to his apartment, though he said he'd start to come by more often.

"Hey Percy!" Duke called, jogging over to me with a soccer ball securely tucked underneath his arm. I stopped my walk down the hall and waited for him to catch up, the other two not far behind him.

"What's up Duke? Also hello Cassandra, Tim" The two both gave me polite smiles and waves.

"Well, we were wondering if you could play soccer with us? You see we need one more player to even out the teams and Damien refuses to play so we were hoping that you could join us?" A smile played on my lips as I nodded.

"I am supposed to do what you guys ask, so sure. Where are we playing?" The three celebrated slightly.

"In the gym," Tim interjected. "We can lead you there if you want." I shook my head slightly.

"I'd love that but I have to tell Bruce where I'll be, so I'll join you all in a minute." They nodded before turning to head down the other way.

I hurried my pace, quickly finding myself in the office.

Bruce was on his computer, switching between the screen and a paper below him as he scribbled down information. He only briefly stopped when I walked in.

"Hello Percy, you're here early." He said, his attention seeming to go further away from the paper and to me as he set down his pen. "Feel free to-"

"Actually-" I interjected, "The kids asked for me to join them in a soccer game, I hope you don't mind." Bruce's face seemed to fall only for a second, but I managed to catch it.

"Oh, alright. Just join me when you're finished." I nodded.

"Right, thank you" He excused me before I began to make my way down the halls again.

I was soon in the gym, and to say I hadn't properly explored it was an understatement. The gym was huge, carried high tech equipment and still had room for a space to play soccer and basketball, maybe even mini football. The three were in the large space, medium sized goals sat on either side of the area.

I walked over to find Duke and Cassandra playing rock paper scissors, Duke was sitting to the side with a bit of an irritated look on his face. I decided not to disturb the obviously important game of rock paper scissors and walked over to Duke.

"So...what's happening here?" I asked as Tim and Cassandra tied once one, speeding into the next round.

"We're playing rock paper scissors to see who gets to choose their soccer partner, and I was eliminated so those two are going but with Cass's abilities I'm not sure Tim stands a chance" Duke grumbled but I looked at him like he was slightly crazy.

"Cass's abilities?" I asked, and Duke seemed to pause, and I could physically see thoughts running through his mind before he turned to me with a smile.

"Cass has freakish luck, really it's crazy!" I nodded slowly, planting an understanding look on my face even though I knew he was lying to me. Seeing my confidence Duke relaxed, a nervous chuckle escaping him as he turned back to Cassandra and Tim.

"Ha!" Cassandra yelled, cheering to herself as she played scissors and Tim played paper.

"Dammit!" Tim yelled, turning away to join Duke and I. "Hey Percy" He mumbled dejectedly. I gave him a pat on the back as Cassandra turned to our little line up. With a confident smile she turned to Duke and pointed to him.

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