Chapter 12: A Confession

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------------Dick's POV:------------

"Right so if you all could just start throwing things in boxes I can take care of my room" Percy said with a slight smile. I nodded, turning to Tim with a small smile.

"Alright, I think we can handle that!" Percy smiled once more, nodding before disappearing into a small room.

"She wasn't kidding was she?" Tim asked quietly, looking around at the small apartment.

I had to admit that I agreed with him. When Percy had said she didn't have a ton, she truly meant it. From the looks of it, the bulk of her items were just comfort items like blankets and pillows. I ignored this though, happy that she could at least make it somewhere better.

"I guess not, but let's just get to work. You take the living room, I'll get the kitchen. I don't think she'd like it very much if we went through her bathroom." Tim nodded, turning to the living room as he began to fold blankets and place pillows in boxes.

I myself turned towards the kitchen, bringing a couple boxes tucked underneath my arm.

When I walked into the kitchen I was happy to see that it was nicely stocked with different foods and supplies alike.

I began to place items into the boxes, making quick work of everything. I made sure to separate the food from the items, like the knives, utensils, blender, and so on.

At least, I was.

I paused when a series of white and orange pill bottles came into view. I felt my eyebrows furrow as I leaned back, making sure no one was coming in.

When I made sure the coast was clear I grabbed a bottle, scanning over the label with ease.

"Donepezil?" I asked quietly aloud, the pills inside falling to the side as I tilted the bottle.

I once again scanned over the different bottles finding that they weren't the same, instead being different medications all together.

"Holy..." My mind couldn't help but wander. What could possibly require such heavy amounts of medicine? Was she okay? Did she not have a reason?

"I'm sorry this must be confusing" I nearly jumped out of my skin, turning quickly to see Percy had managed to sneak up next to me, a sour look displayed on her face. "These are some meds I had for pain a while back. I haven't really been taking them since" she guided her hand across the shelf. "Which is why I have quite the selection." I nodded slightly, an odd sense of relief washing over me.

"If you don't mind me asking, why did you need the meds?" Percy's lips pursed momentarily before she let out a small sigh.

"I got mugged, no biggie really. A couple slashes here, a few more there. The doctor said I had to" I nodded, suddenly feeling bad about finding these. "But uh, don't worry about it. I'll have to find some place to dispose of these safely, I'm not exactly looking to feed a junkie tonight." Percy quickly scooped all the bottles into her arms. "Maybe they'll be open?" She mumbled to herself as she turned to leave the kitchen, leaving me in an uncomfortable silence.

I continued to stare out the exit when Tim peeked in.

"You okay? I haven't heard a single thing going on in here since she left." I nodded.

"Yeah, it's all good. We can talk later" Tim's brows lowered slightly but I waved him off, feeling we should talk about it later. He merely nodded before turning back to his work.

I did the same, slowly allowing the thoughts to disappear into my mind.


"This should be the last box!" I said with a smile, placing the final box in the car we'd brought, the wheels lowering slightly at the new found weight.

I turned to Percy and Tim, both having massive grins on their faces as they gave each other high fives.

"Seriously, thank you guys. I'm not sure I would've made it if it weren't for you guys" She let out a nervous chuckle as her hand made it's way to the back of her neck.

"It's no problemo!" I replied, happy to see Percy seemed content.

"Yeah, I just would've been filing some random paper work, so I'm glad I could be productive," Tim said with a grin, wiping off some imaginary sweat.

Percy's smile grew a bit more. With a sudden thought though the smile dropped. "Right, but I still need to get it to the new place. If yo-"

"Got it!" I replied, grabbing the keys from my pocket and swinging them around my finger as I turned to make my way into the car.

As I got in I heard similar closing door noises as Percy and Tim crammed themselves in the small seating section behind me in the moving van.

"I feel like there was more room back here before we got out" Tim mumbled, earning a small chuckle from Percy.

"It's not bad, but let's hurry cause my leg cramp might get worse if I'm back here too long." I nodded, putting the key in the ignition before starting our way down the street.

After a long while of scratchy radio music Tim spoke up. "Leg cramp getting worse?, are you okay?" Another uncomfortable silence passed by before Percy spoke up again.

"I..." Her voice seems to falter slightly before picking up speed "Fine, just don't tell Bruce you hear me?" I could feel a bit of confusion run through me but I didn't get long to linger as she continued. "I'm standing all day, like all day in Bruce's office, so coming from a job that didn't require as much... stillness, it's a bit stressful on the legs. Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining, truly it's not that bad, it's just a bit rough after a couple days."

"Percy, that's not good. You know Bruce won't get mad at you for needing a break right? Especially you" I asked, adding the last part mainly to myself. I looked into the rearview mirror in order to make eye contact.

Percy looked slightly uncomfortable as she fiddled with a golden ballpoint pen, twisting it in between her fingers like it was a propeller.

"Yeah, I just, it's only my first week and to complain so soon just seemed a bit... I'm not sure." Percy looked off to the side with a sheepish smile.

"If you want I can talk to him, I'll be real subtle" Tim offered, shrugging his shoulders slightly but Percy shook her head.

"I need to be up front. If you guys don't think he'll be mad then I'll just bring it up soon." I felt a small smile roll onto my lips as I nodded.

"I'm sure he won't be mad, and if he is I'll send Alfred after him, I'm sure that'll add a bit of motivation." I didn't have to look to hear the laugh that came from Percy, the tenser atmosphere melting away to make room for a much lighter feeling.

"Right, well then, let's focus on getting to my new place eh?" With that we returned back to light hearted conversations. 


1200 words

Y'all, I finally planned this book out and I'm lowkey so excited lol. Anyways, please have a great morning, day, or night! 


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