Chapter 13: Remembering a past life

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----------------Percy's POV: ------------------

Ever since I'd moved into the new apartment I'd been coming into work much earlier than intended, I just always forgot to reset my alarm so I always wake up at the time I used to.

What can I say, I guess old habits die hard.

Alfred didn't seem to mind though, with me coming in earlier I could help out with making breakfast.

Unless it was today. As I walked up to the front door I realized not even one light was on, instead the older mansion looked eerie, almost like a haunted house from a movie. I let out a small curse as I checked my phone.

The time read 40 minutes before when I was supposed to be up. I don't even think Alfred was up yet.

With a sigh I decided I'd rather just sit outside, I mean the morning air was heavy and cool and hey, maybe some fresh air might do me some good. I mean my job basically keeps me inside all day so the outside air is becoming a more foreign thing to me now.

So with a deep breath I turned from the door and took a seat on the steps, facing out towards the gates.

The sounds of Gotham were loud, even from here, with the cars honking and even distant gunshots, though I tried my best to ignore those as they made me uncomfortable.

Even still I found myself relaxing, the trees lining the driveway rustling with every small breeze.

It was peaceful, something I don't often find myself saying in Gotham.

A small smile graced my lips.

"Percy!" The sudden sound made me blink in confusion but like a sudden reveal when I opened my eyes my surroundings were different. Now I was in what looked like a summer camp, the night sky above could only be described as stunning, cabins lined the surrounding area as well, each having their own design, though one looked like it would impale me as soon as I neared it.  Trees and what looked like a farm were further off in the distance.

My eyes flew from the surrounding to a girl with lovely blonde hair, it flowed behind her as she jogged over, still seeming to reflect like gold in the moonlight.

The girl's smile could be described as nothing less than gorgeous, one that complimented her eyes and yet something in me told me this was a rarer sight.

Eventually the girl took a seat next to me, her gray eyes were striking and cold, contrasting her smile.

"What're you doing up?" The girl asked, her eyes becoming questioning.

"I guess I just woke up Beth, but I should be asking the same to you" My voice replied, and I could feel a smirk falling onto my lips.

Beth huh?

The girl now known as Beth rolled her eyes. "You know you can't fool me, but if you really need to know I guess I'm just worried." Some part of me became extremely worried, I must've cared deeply for this girl.

"Worried? Is it about...down there?" I asked, confusing even myself in the process.

Beth's face grew sour as she turned from me to the scene in front of us. "No, at least not now. I'm just worried about Jason, Hazel, and you, it's not every day that a quest requires three children from the big three." Big three? Jason and Hazel?

"Annabeth" My voice was much more somber. "It's going to be okay," I said quietly.

Annabeth's lips pursed, her face not looking anymore reassured. "Percy you can't be sure." She turned to look at me once more. "You know you can't lie to me. We've been friends for too long to have that be effective." I felt a sad smile appear on my face.

"You're right, but can I not try to reassure you?"

"I don't want reassurance" She mumbled, releasing a sigh. "Just... promise me you'll try and stay safe okay? I don't think I can handle another cross country search party." I laughed and nodded.

"I'll try my best" A breeze blew in our direction, sending a cold shiver down my back, the smell of strawberries was heavy in the air. 

"I prefer a promise, but I guess this works." Annabeth slowly leaned her head against my shoulder, the warmth easing me slightly.

"Hello?" With another blink I was brought back to the steps of the manor, a girl stood in front of me, her face held a look of concern as she knelt in front of me. She had short black hair that hung near her shoulders with dark eyes to match.

"I'm sorry" I said quickly, shaking the fuzzy feeling from my head as I tried to figure out who this girl was and how she'd gotten past the gate. "Who are you exactly?"

"I'm Cassandra Cain, you must be...Percy?" The way she spoke was a bit hesitant and broken up, almost as if she was trying to figure out if this was how to word the sentence.

"Yes, you must be another one of Bruce's children?" I asked, and the girl nodded with a small smile. I returned the gesture, extending my hand for her to shake. "Hello Cassandra, I'm sorry for our uhm... less than stellar meeting. I guess I kinda spaced out" I laughed it off, but the embarrassment was strong, making my stomach swirl slightly.

"It's okay," she said, shaking my hand with a strong grip, and her expression seemed genuine, actually calming my embarrassment a bit. "What are you doing outside?" She asked, looking up at the darkened house.

"Oh, I came a bit early and decided to enjoy the outdoors." Cassandra nodded, pausing a moment before taking a seat beside me.

"I'll join you." She gave me a half smile before looking out towards the view down the driveway.

We sat in silence for a while before she spoke up again. "So, what was wrong?" I turned to her with a confused expression but she stared at me expectantly.

"Nothing," I said quietly, shaking my head a bit. She didn't look at all convinced, her face still pushing for more but I decided I'd rather not answer.

She didn't ask again as she turned to look out as well.

The white noise of the city was soon cut off by the sound of the door unlocking, lighting flooding the surrounding area as I turned to see Alfred, his suit looking as spiffy as always.

"Hello Ms. Pers- Percy, Ms. Cain, what are you two doing out here?" Alfred asks, the two of us both standing up.

"Hey Alfred, I was just a bit earlier than expected." Alfred nodded.

"I just wanted to visit" Cassandra said slowly, once again seeming to think out her wording as she went along. Alfred nodded once more.

"Alright, you two get in before you catch a cold." Neither of us protested as we walked into the now lit house. 


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