One shot #1

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—————-Percy's POV: —————-

It had been noticeably quiet around the manor today, with Damien and Duke out of the house for school it was already quite calmer but even still, Jason and Tim had stuck to their rooms a lot more as well. The girls had left on a trip a few days before so it was like it was empty.

Even Bruce had disappeared, a work thing but still, it was lonely. I'd told Alfred to go with him, something Alfred protested but I'd combated that I'd been a worker here as well so I could handle things, and so far I had pretty well. Sure it took a few more hours then when Alfred does things but I like to think I'll get better with time.

Usually Dick would accompany me, and while sure, he really didn't help, it was nice to have company.

Today, like everyone else, he'd disappeared. This is what concerned me the most.

Usually Dick would give me a notice. Not today. Today he'd ignored me, looked me in the eyes and ran away.

I admit, it hurt.

I tried to call him, to ask if I did something. He didn't pick up. I left him a meal outside his door, surprise surprise, I got the cold shoulder.

Had I done something?

Maybe I'd given him a bad look? Did I say something by accident?

Had he found out about me watching him and the team during the night?

That one made me sick to my stomach.

This is what was troubling me now. I'd tried to take my mind off things by cleaning, wiping the counter could be a good distraction, but not today. Today I was slow, my stomach flipped and flipped making me what to hurl. So much so that I had to stop and lean over the sink.

I don't think Id ever been so worried to the point of feeling sick but Dick had been the first to believe in me. To welcome me. If I had done something to hurt him, no matter if it was unintentional or not, I couldn't bear it.

Another wave of nausea hit and I leaned over closer to the sink.

"Percy?" I looked up quickly, the nausea momentarily subsided as I found Jason rushing over, concern on his face. "Are you okay?" He asked, looking more or less lost on what to do.

I nodded, putting a smile on my face. "Yeah yeah! I think I dropped something down the sink is all." Jason nodded, obviously not completely sure but not in a position to question.

"You need help?" He asked, standing beside me as he tried to look down the drain. I laughed and shook my head.

"No no! I got it, thanks for the offer though. Is there anything you need?" I asked, leaning away from the sink.

"I uh, was just gonna get a snack." I nodded, taking a deep breath. Jason eventually wandered off to make a sandwich and I returned to slowly wiping the counters.

After a minute of silence I couldn't take it anymore. "Is Dick mad at me?" I dropped the rag and turned to look at Jason who quickly turned to look at me. His eyes slightly wide.

"What?" He asked, almost like the question was crazy. Was it? "Why would you ask that?"

I suddenly regretted asking and shook my head. "No reason, he just hasn't come to visit today." I mumbled, the reason sounding stupid aloud. Was it wrong for me to be worried?

Jason went quiet turning back around and continuing to make his sandwich.

Great now two people were mad at me.

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