Chapter 47: How cliche would that be right?

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-----------------------Percy's POV: -------------------------

"You know Cass, I think I understand why you wear these." I said with a smile as I walked out of the bathroom. I'd been lucky that Cass and I had similar sizes in clothes, otherwise I would've been running a mid-afternoon errand.

She smiled as I walked over, her hand extending out to reveal a blue tie. "I figured you might as well play the whole part."

I gently took the tie, "Thanks Cass." She nodded, turning to her closet, grabbing a yellow tie.

"Of course," I quickly adjusted the tie, making sure it fit properly and looked decent enough for an event like this.

With a sudden noise the door swung open, Damien walking in like he owned the place. "Are you two ready?" he asked, looking over the both of us.

"We're ready, demon, just fixing up." Cass mumbled, causing me to look back at her.

"Demon?" I asked, she turned back with a smile.

"Something we call him since he's a menace." She smiled as he narrowed his eyes at her. "Trust me when I say he's earned the title"

"Doesn't matter what you imbeciles think," He paused, sneaking a glance at me before continuing. "But we need to begin leaving now, so hurry!" He turned around with a huff, leaving the two of us in silence once more. I looked over at Cass to see her smiling.

She looked in the mirror, catching my eye. "I'll be done in a second, just give me a minute." I nodded, turning back to the mirror I was in front of. I'd decided not to do anything with my hair except hang half of it up. In other words, I woke up later due to no one waking me up and I had to rush to get everything done.

I was snapped from my thoughts as a loud ringing emerged from my phone. I picked up the phone, looking over the name to quickly spot 'Annabeth' written in bright white lettering. I smiled as I brought the phone up to my ear, the line going silent momentarily before her voice carried through.

"Percy, how are you?" Annabeth's cheery yet stern voice rang out from the phone.

"I'm good, very good actually. How are you?" I could hear voices in the background of the call, but they weren't nearly loud enough to hear.

"I'm good, we've stopped in New Rome before we start heading to you but don't worry, we'll be there soon." A hand snapped me from my conversation, I turned back to see Cass who held a look that seemed to be asking if I was ready to go.

"I'll be going Cass, don't worry, just give me a minute." Cass nodded.

"Right, I'll let everyone know." She turned and left the room, leaving me with Annabeth.

"Do you need to go?" Annabeth asked before I could continue.

"No No! I'm okay, we're all heading out to a party in a bit so it's no worries." I said quickly.

"Actually, I've got to go. Reyna needed me for something, so I better get going. Stay safe Percy, I heard the closest group is only a couple days away." I could feel slight disappointment, but I decided I'd rather just prepare for the few days away rather than focus on not talking with her now.

"Right, of course, I'll talk to you tomorrow. Bye Annie."

"Bye seaweed brain" I could hear her smile through her words, and with a sudden beep the small talk in the background was gone and I was left in silence. I brought my phone down, holding it out in front of me to look at all the new messages from people who I'd been responding to all morning. I couldn't give half of them the answer they wanted, and the thought of that seemed to be weighing on me.

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