Chapter 58: Not taking anything back, not even the hand sized cookies

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-------------Bruce's POV: ----------------

"I'm a demigod." Percy took in a deep breath, her eyes running over all our expressions as if trying to find one person to settle on, I could tell she was uncomfortable, but I couldn't say anything. 

What could I say? 

Percy Jackson, the woman I'd been dating for months was a demigod...and I had no clue. 

I blinked a few times but a sudden flash of movement cut me off, it was Cass running over and pulling Percy in for a tight hug, a smile crossing her face. 

"I missed you so much." She said, Percy only smiled, the kind of smile I would kill for as she tucked her arms around Cass. That was all it seemed to take, everyone else getting up off the couch, everyone but Jason and I. 

I looked over and could see an unreadable expression behind Jason's eyes, one hidden behind his hands which were brought up by his mouth. He stared intently but none of his posture screamed distrust, more like realization. 

I turned back my attention to the group. 

Percy Jackson, the anomaly I'd not been able to crack was a demigod. A child of a god that controlled our world. Someone like Diana and Arthur. Someone with massive amounts of power, and yet she contained it all, choosing a normal life. A sudden click of realization came from within me about all her scars, her hesitance towards certain subjects. 

A part of me that I'd relied on for years told me to pull away, find out as much as I could about her in order to come up with a contingency plan, something to stop her if the time came, but even as that part raged all I could do was watch her. 

Percy smiled as the others laughed around her, she ruffled Tim's hair while holding Damien close. The same Damien who'd not trusted many people enough to get close to him, and yet only after a few short months the two were close. 

I wasn't scared of what Percy could do, Percy was safe. 

I trusted Percy.

I shoved down the part of me that I'd relied on, instead embracing the part that I'd ignored for much of my life. The part that relied on people. On love. 

I stood up, Percy's eyes going to me and I could see a short but sharp inhale as if she expected me to yell, to get angry or to tell her to get out. I didn't want her to think anything like that. 

I opened my arms and I could hear a short laugh escape her as I wrapped her in my arms, her own arms wrapping around me as I held her for a moment. 

I didn't want to lose Percy, and if she wanted to slowly release her story to us, that would be okay. I would wait. But for now? Now I just wanted to accept her and let her relax with us. 

The sudden feeling of other arms wrapping around us brought a smile to my face. 

I wouldn't lose Percy if it was the last thing I'd do. 

--------------Percy's POV: --------------

I couldn't express how happy I was. 

After the group hugs I was sat down, with everyone around me I explained what had happened, my heritage and background. It took a while, and I got many questions, but I think it went over well, just about everyone seemed happy, everyone but Jason. Jason watched with eyes that looked almost hopeful. 

I kept out the part of Tartarus but I knew that I would tell them all soon, but for now, now I just wanted to tell one person. 

We'd decided on watching a movie after I'd finished, everyone saying that it would be to celebrate my return. So while they chose I decided that this was the time to talk with Jason. 

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