Chapter 7: I share my morning with crazy cosplayers and children

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-------------Percy's POV: ----------------

 "Damn those stupid cosplayers" I said in between huffs, my forehead was beaded with sweat and my heart was going faster than I thought possible.

Another round of cosplayers decided to chase me once again, and I must say, the quality never goes down. They even got their dogs in on it. Today they were dressed as what I can only describe as mecha-goat-cheerleaders. I must've been a cosplayer in my past life because not only do these people know my name, but they chase me like no tomorrow. Today was no exception, I got chased from my apartment to here, which is a longer run than I'd like to admit. I only barely managed to escape them when I turned the block to get here.

I stood up, turning my eyeline to the sky as I caught my breath slowly. It was still a bit darker out, the sun was up but it wasn't near its full glory.

I let out a small huff, turning my direction back to the watch on my wrist. 7:30.

Well... on the Brightside, I wasn't late.

I walked forwards, raising my hand up to the small speaker near the gate, preparing to buzz myself in when a sudden realization hit me.

Was I too early?

The sudden realization brought about a new wave of worry and second guessing as I took a step back, my hand slowly lowering to my side. I would've gone and sat in a restaurant but I currently looked a bit precarious. My active wear consisted of a massive puffy black jacket over a crop top and some sweatpants. Hey, it was comfortable.

I took another step back, deciding I'd rather face the city and other possible chases than disrupt them, but as I turned around a small chuckle stopped me in my tracks.

"Well, I suppose making up for lost time is great but Ms. Jackson, does this not seem excessive?" I turned to see Dick walking over, various grocery bags lining his arms. It was a bit funny to see such a happy smile when I could literally see the bags cutting off his circulation.

I let out an embarrassed laugh, my eye line going off to the side. "Yeah, I was actually just about to go." I said quickly, turning back around to walk off but a sudden shuffling of grocery bags stopped me once more.

"Whoa wait! I was pulling your leg!" I turned over to see his smile had weakened slightly. "You don't have to leave, in fact I find it quite nice that you're making up time." He paused, allowing me time to turn to him. A long moment went by before he spoke once more, the realization that he had to continue finally dawning on him. "Why don't you come inside, surely you couldn't have had breakfast with how early it is, even so, we have some of the finest coffees." I took a deep breath, my shoulders tightening momentarily but I nodded, deciding I would rather spend time indoors then in a possible chase sequence.

"Yeah, that would be nice." His smile appeared back in full force as he nodded, turning to the gate quickly, but as he tried to lift his arms up he seemed to find the groceries to be a bit...much. Without any cue I quickly stepped forwards, grabbing the bags off his arms and sliding them onto my own.

"Hey, it's alright, I got it!" He tried but I shook my head.

"No no, I got it. Consider it thanks for letting me in so early." I gave him a half smile, his own finding the reassurance in mine.

"Fine." he said with a hint of humor as he turned back to the gate, quickly typing in a code before the gate began to open quickly. He directed his arms towards the entrance, bowing slightly "You first" I smiled until I noticed the blur behind him, and the sudden warmth of going inside turned into the freezing of my blood, I could almost feel my breathing getting caught in my throat.

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