Chapter 34: McShizzle the master artist

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---------------------Bruce's POV: ------------------------

I awoke to myself in an abnormal position in an unfamiliar place. 

As my eyes slowly adjusted to the area around me, I realized I was on a couch, the shirt I was wearing was very obviously too tight, but I paid no mind to that as my brain slowly started kicking into the fact that I was in the unknown. I took in a deep breath, trying my best to make myself become alert as I sat up. 

I seemed to be in an apartment, the area around me draped nicely in comforting items, though I noticed a lack of photos. 

The sudden smell of eggs and toast filled my senses as I turned to the kitchen. 

Immediately I relaxed as I spotted Percy standing over the stove, a calm look on her face as she stared at the eggs in front of her absent mindedly. I could see she was tired and yet she kept going. 

Almost like a slap in the face everything came back to me from the night before, I must've been so tired I forgot. 

An ease fell into me as I relaxed, my head falling into the position it was before as I looked forwards to the tv which was playing quiet music over an image of the ocean.

I decided it was best to get up, seeing as I didn't know what time it was and the fact that I'm pretty sure these clothes were going to last me until I got home. 

With much hesitation I pushed myself off the couch, shaking off my sleepiness as I walked into the kitchen, alarming Percy only slightly as she turned to look at me quickly, her black hair flying over to take its place on her shoulder. 

"Oh..." She said quietly, blinking a few times before realizing she wanted to continue. "Good morning." A small smile fell onto my face as I nodded once. 

"Morning to you as well." Her lips curved into a small smile as she turned back to the stove. 

"Feel free to take a seat, breakfast will be done in a minute." I did as told, walking a bit till I was sat beside the small four-person table, turning my chair to face Percy. "I probably should've asked if you just wanted to pick something up on the way, but I thought I'd let you rest a bit...hope you don't mind." She turned over to me, seeming to look for an answer to if I minded or not. 

I shook my head, putting a hand up briefly. "I don't mind, in fact it was quite refreshing. Especially since I didn't have to wake up to an annoying alarm." Percy let out a short huff as her shoulders relaxed slightly as she turned back to the stove. 

"I'm glad." She stayed quiet for the rest of preparing breakfast, even though I offered my expert ability in breakfast making. 

Eventually she came over with two plates, going back for a bowl of strawberries. After setting everything down she let out a short breath, rubbing her hands together as she turned to me. 

"You want something to drink? I have orange juice and water. Sorry, I don't eat here very often anymore. It's gotten down to necessities." She said, her fingers fiddling with each other. 

"A glass of water would be fine." She gave me a smile of relief as she turned to grab two glasses, filling them both with water. She came back, handing me my glass as I took it carefully. Percy sat across from me with a small smile before beginning to eat.

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