Chapter 6: A call bearing good news

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-------------Percy's POV: --------------

We got a good five minutes away from the house in an awkward silence before Dick spoke up. "Ahem, so uh, what do you do now?" I looked over to him and it was obvious through body language that he was uncomfortable.

I looked straight ahead and tried my best to sound confident. "I fight for a living, by training people! You know, like an instructor." From my peripherals I spotted Dick nodding, a small smile gracing his lips.

"That sounds interesting, why're you leaving it?" He asked, taking a turn at a light.

I let out a small sigh "My boss. He told me about the job in the first place and has basically been super great to me, but he said this job would be better for me, get me outta my apartment and hopefully somewhere where I don't have to listen to screamo bands all day and night." Dick let out a short snort, his smile growing.

"Sounds fun, though I can relate to a degree. My brother loves to blast music when he's training, I can't say his musical choices are the best but hey, I'm not gonna tell him to stop." I nodded, replying with a polite smile.

"Training? For what?" The way he'd frazed it was strange. I won't lie.

Dick paused for a second too long before laughing it off. "My brother trains for marathons, it's like watching a teen film, he sings and everything." I let out a small chuckle, the act startling even me. Dick turned to look at me momentarily. "It is kinda funny, I'll have to send you a video." I nodded.

"Oh I'd love that."

"Do you have any siblings?" Dick asked, turning back to the road but continuing his amused look. This time it was my turn to pause, I mean I hadn't seen a sibling in any of my flashbacks.

"Yeah, but we barely talk. They're young and live super far away." I turned to look out the window, somehow, in some way, saying that I wasn't an only child was comforting.

"So I assume you're not close?"

I let out a small sigh. "Well no, I suppose not." There was silence for a while after that, but it was for different reasons.

After about 10 minutes of listening to various stations on the radio he spoke once more. "So how long have you been living in Gotham?"

"Around 6 months, it all happened so fast it kinda just feels like I just woke up here" I let out a small breath at my joke.

"Any reason you came? Surely there had to be a reason? I mean no one just moves to the most crime ridden city in the world."

"I'm not sure, I guess I just moved? I mean it was a rash decision." Dick snorted.

"One hell of a rash decision you made there."

"You could say that again" I said exasperatedly.

For the rest of the car ride we had what can only be described as a Q&A, with questions getting asked both ways.

By the end of it I admit, he was a sweet dude. I kindly thanked him as I exited the vehicle, waving to him as he drove off.

When I finally watched him disappear around the corner I turned to Alyssa's apartment building, a small breath that I hadn't known I was holding leaving me as I ran inside, flying by the others walking by me as I soared up the stairs, eventually finding myself in front of her door.

The apartment building Alyssa lived in was much nicer than my own. The hallway floors were covered in woodwork, one that accented the white walls and allowed for the various decorations on people's front doors to stand out, especially the one covered in what looked to be children's drawings. The other doors in contrast to Alyssa's door were much livelier, though Alyssa claimed it was because she was too lazy to put anything up.

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