Chapter 52: A Deliberation

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-----------Percy's POV: -------------

Yeah I'm not sure if I believed these guys anymore.

As I looked up at the empire state building, the clouds blocking my view from the top, I couldn't help but question what in the world was happening. The others continued walking in though, leaving me to my own bewilderment.

This morning had been a rollercoaster, from waking up with a dog on my chest and Leo on my legs, to a breakfast that happened to be one of the most amazing things ever, even giving me the chance to drink blue coca-cola. 10/10 experience by the way, absolutely getting it again next time. Then we rode the pegasi over here, but I wasn't allowed to ride alone with Annabeth holding onto me as if I were going to fall off again. I didn't have the heart to tell her that I nearly couldn't breathe the entirety of the ride.

That's when we'd ended here.

At the empire state building.

Where apparently, gods who controlled the world lived.

Yeah this had to be a group prank.

I let out a sigh, following the others in as Hazel looked back to make sure I was following.

I was pushed into the middle of the group as we approached the front desk, Annabeth placing her hand firmly on the desk as the attendant looked up.

"We'd like a ride up to the 600th floor." She said cooly, a hint of hurry in her voice.

"Sorry ma'am we only-"

"Hand it over dude, don't act like you don't recognize us." The guy stared at us a moment longer before sighing.

"It's just not fun anymore with you guys." He grumbled, placing the pass on our desk as we headed to the elevator.

I gave him a short smile as we left, his eyes widening as he spotted me but I didn't have time to question it as we got in the elevator, the door shutting behind us. Annabeth swiped the pass, and immediately we began going up, horrible music filling my ears, the language, while I could understand it, was very clearly not English.

I furrowed my brows as the numbers rose above one hundred. The building should've only had about 100 floors. The numbers very quickly pushed past the 200's, easily going over the 400's until it stopped at the 600 mark.

When the door's opened I couldn't help but feel relief, the horrible music ceasing as a sponsor voice came up at the end.

"If you enjoyed it, please purchase Apollo inc. 's work, under the artist name of 'The Awe-sun!'" I cringed, the name already sounding like too much and somehow perfectly matching the music.

"Thank gods." Jason mumbled, leading us out of the elevator and into a bright place and I admit, I couldn't help but stare in awe.

The place was stunning, from the engraved marble pillars that lined the road, various people who looked to be fighting monsters on them, light's made out of a gold that glowed in the light, reflecting colors down onto the street and creating a mirage of beautiful lights. Various foliage hung down, creating spots of shadows on the beautiful marble streets.

The whole place looked like what you'd imagine the after life would look like. The good one that is.

I followed the others as they guided me through the place gilded in gold and marble, the sun reflecting off of it stung my eyes, the pain nipping at the back of my eye sockets forcing me to squint just a bit. I felt a hand on my shoulder and I turned to see Piper with a small smile.

"You'll get readjusted. I'm sure being away from here only to be suddenly blinded is rough." I nodded, rubbing my eyes before shaking my head and continuing on.

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