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(Irene's POV)

Everything went black as I heard the doctor declaring my daughter dead. All I remember is seeing Jessie performing CPR to her. 

I woke up laying on a bed and saw Jessie sleeping upright on the couch. I was about to call him when someone knocked which awakened him. The nurse entered and checked my dextrose and immediately left while Jessie was just staring at me. 

"It's good you're awake." He said walking towards me and held my hand. 

"Please tell me that it was only a dream and that she's okay." I said on the verge of crying.

He sat on the bed facing me as he bowed his head. At that time I know that it was real. 

"It was a close call." He said as he placed his palm on my face.  "Do you want to see her?" he said as he smiled.

"More than anything." 

He assisted me to sit on the wheelchair and the both of us went to the nursery. We weren't allowed to go inside as they told us that she is in a critical condition and that her heart and lungs are still recovering. We can only see her through a glass window. I can't see her clearly as there are machines surrounding her. All I did was cry as I see my child for the first time.

"What happened?" I asked Jessie.

"I don't know. After the doctor declared her death, I grabbed her continued performing CPR, not minding if her heart would crush. Now this happened. The doctors told me that she is fighting for her life. 50-50 to be precise." He said just staring at our child. 

We stayed there for about 20 minutes and decided to return to the room.



I was awakened by Jessie's voice. As I opened my eyes, he was smiling while holding a baby. 

"Love, she's here." He said while carrying our child crying. He gave me our child and as I held her in my arms, it was the moment I was longing for. To hear her cry while carrying her is the greatest gift I can ever receive. At last I heard her cry. 

Nurse: "What will you name her?"

"Irina Jasmine Marie" Jessie said as I was too busy staring at my child.

That was the moment that I felt that I had everything I wanted. It was the moment that I felt happier than ever but fate didn't allow us to be together. I was taken back when Greggy hugged me from behind. 

"Good morning love". he said as he kissed my cheek.

"Good morning." I simply said.

"Is there something wrong? Looks like there's something bothering you."

"Everything's fine." I said as I face him with a smile.

(Jessie's POV)

"Happy Birthday!!!" I exclaimed as I stormed in Jassy's room carrying a cake.

"Dad naman. Talaga bang nasa budhi ng mga Elizalde ang manggulat?" 

"Ito naman...Happy Birthday." I said calmly. I walked towards her and said "Blow your candles and make a wish." 

She blew her candles as she closed her eyes. 

"What's your wish?" 

"To win the quiz later." 


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