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(Jessie's POV)

It's the day I have been very nervous to look forward to. Why? Irene demanded that we announce our relationship to everyone but first to her father. We both decided not to tell her family about our child until after their approval. The both of us arrived in the President's office and apparently, all of them are there. Imelda, Bong and Imee are sitting while chatting.

Irene: "Dad, I just have something to say."

Ferdinand: "What?"

Apakagaling naman talaga ng babaeng toh. Siniko pa ba naman ako signaling that I should be the one to tell.

"Ummm...the thing is Mr. President, I want to marry your daughter." I said nervously while all of them are just looking at us and back to their father.

Imelda: "No!" All of us looked at her in surprise.

Irene: "Mom naman. I found the love of my life." She said while holding my arm smiling at her mother, convincingly.

Imelda: "Narinig mo ba ako Irene? I said no! Besides we have arranged a marriage for you with Greggy Araneta the richest real estate businessman as of the moment."

I can't believe I am hearing this.

Irene: "Ma." She said kneeling in front of her mother crying. "I don't want to marry anyone but Jessie, please."

Imelda: "You can't marry my daughter. You're not rich enough to give her a life she deserves."

"Mr. President, my father has a company he ca-" i wasn't able to finish when he raised his hand.

Ferdinand: "I'm sorry but my wife is right. Plus you are a soldier, you won't have time for my daughter."

I thought this would be easy since I have served my country for 2 years in pain. But it's the opposite. Irene is crying begging her parents to agree upon our relationship but its no use. Bong and Imee can't do anything since they are not the ones who make decisions.

Ferdinand: "Enough Irene! Lieutenant Elizalde you can go. It's a command." I stood up since I can't do anything, it's an order from the President when Irene grabbed my arm. I don't have anything to say and just looked at her.

Ferdinand: "Let go of him Irene. End your relationship as soon as possible. This is an order, Lieutenant Elizalde."

(Elizalde Residence in Manila)

(Jessie's POV)
Since we returned from Spain, I hired a maid to take care of my child. Mama offered that she would take care of Jassy but I refused since we are not in good terms with papa. I got home and told the maid that she have her day off until this weekend.

After the incident this morning, Irene is holding Jassy, putting her to sleep while I am just sitting on the couch in our bedroom not knowing what to do. After a few minutes, she laid Jasmine on our bed, that's when I got up and went to the other room, angrily. Irene followed but I already arrived at the bathroom and locked the door. I sighed staring at my reflection.

Irene: "Jess, get out of there. Please." She said as I hear her sobs while banging the door. I can't control my anger. I punched the mirror once but it didn't fall, it only cracked which didn't satisfy me. I punched it again and again where it fell into pieces on the sink making a loud noise of glass breaking. I stared at my bleeding knuckles. Fuck! It feels so good.

Irene: "Jess! Jess! Open the door!"

I don't have a choice. I opened it and saw her about to hug me but I refused and walked pass her.

Irene: "Jessie, I'll talk to dad again. I'll tell him about Rina just please. Stay with me." She pleaded while crying. I didn't respond and just closed the door and drank from the whiskey bottle I'm holding. "Jessie, talk to me! Kung saakin ka galit, I'll take any punishment you give me just please. I'm begging you not to leave."

I can't hold my anger any longer. I threw the bottle and went near her.
"Alam no na kung kanino ako galit? Sa sarili ko! Kasi hinayaan kong magmahal ng tao who is not on my level!" I yelled angrily. "I let myself make a woman pregant, which devastated my father."

Irene: "What do you mean "Not on your level? Am I not on your level?"

"No! I am not on your level. You are rich while I am the opposite. I shouldn't have replied to your letters. I should have controlled my feelings, not letting my heart fall into the daughter of the President."

Irene: "Jess don't say that. I will make a way to let us get married. I will talk to dad, okay?."

I chuckled as I again drink from the whiskey bottle.

Irene: "Can you just stop!" She shouted them grabbed the bottle.

"I need that. Give it to me." I demanded as I lend my hand.

Irene: "You've had enough. We are going to talk about this." She replied firmly.

"I need it!" I yelled commanding her to give the bottle which she immediately did, slightly scared. "We can't continue our relationship. We can't go against your father and mother's will."

She hugged me tightly. While I continue to drink. I don't know why I'm not getting drunk.

Irene: "But I need you."

Author's Note
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