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(John's POV)

Even if the nurses told us not to enter the operation room, since I knew the doctors, they let me in. But only me. I watched how they all try to revive my granddaughter. Who on earth would do this to her. The one who planned this only wanted her dead, no one else. They used the defibrillator twice and luckily, her heart rate became stable so they immediately operate her head to remove the bullet while some of them operated on other parts of her body. 

I am just here, watching as they remove bullets from her body. Five. Five fucking bullets that shot her. I have no idea how on earth Jasmine is still alive. It's not that I don't what her to, it's just unbelievable for her to live when she is shot at the back of her head. Normally, a person would die instantly. 

After hours of sitting on the side of the operating room, they finally removed the bullet from her head. Miko, the doctor is doing her final stitches when the monitor beeped. And again, they used the defibrillator. I start to panic. They charged to 200 joules but her heart rate became flat. They waited for seconds for it to return to normal but nothing happened.

Doctor: "Time of death, 10:58 PM. I'm sorry John."

"No! Charge it again. She cannot die!" I shouted.

Miko approached me. 

"John calm down. We did everything we can. She just couldn't handle it anymore."

"How can I calm down! I lost my only granddaughter." 

Just when I am about to go out of the operating room because I cannot handle seeing Jasmine laying on the operating table, her heart rate became stable. Miko rushed to her and made observations. 

After that, he walked closer to me, smiling. 

"John." He called out. "She's fine. We will transfer her to a private room whe-" 

I interrupted.

"No. Make contact in California. Transfer her there. I don't care how, just make it happen. And yes I know it is dangerous for her to travel unconscious just do it. I'll pay you millions if I have to."

Miko: "What will I tell Jessie?"

"Tell her she's dead. 11: 10 PM. And that you took her to the morgue to be cremated."

Miko: "You are insane John. I don't have any urn to present to him. Plus, every move here in this hospital is being watched. I doubt that he will not want to see her daughter before she would be cremated."

"I'll take care of that. I already arranged the plane where she will be transported to. Just, use the hospital's chopper to get her to the airport and I'll be out of your hair."

Miko: "You do realize that I am risking my license if I do this?"

"Of course I do. Just keep your nurses quiet. No one should know about this. If you do this successfully, I will send cash to you directly. Bahala ka na kung ilan ang ibibigay mo sa mga kasama mo. Only if, everything goes well."

Miko: "Fine, I'll arrange her papers."

"I already did. Only do what I told you."

I walked out of the room and saw Jessie walking back and fourth along the corridor. Irene is just sitting on the chair with her eyes puffy and her hands clasped together. As soon as Jessie saw me, he came running, worriedly. 

Jessie: "Dad, how's Jasmine?" 

I acted as if she died. I placed both of my hands on his face. 

"I told them to let her be cremated. I can't let you see her with holes in her body." After I say those words, he walked away from me and kept on walking back and fourth like awhile ago while breathing heavily. Irene just stared at me with her hands shaking like crazy.

It's only the three of us and two of my bodyguards who stood in front of the door to the operating room. All of a sudden, Jessie started shouting and punching the wall. I just let him be. But, Irene is my opposite as she went running to Jessie, hugging him from the back, preventing him to let his knuckled be ripped while he kept on shouting. Buti na nga lang walang taong nakakakita saamin.

I commanded my guards to get out and so did I, to give the two of them some time. 

(Irene's POV)

"Jess. Stop, please." I cried while I am wrapped around him as he punch the wall several times.

"Jessie, please stop." I begged him as I hug him tightly which eventually, he did. He turned around and sat on one of the benches, stunned. I sat facing him. He can't even look at me because of sadness. 

He sat upright with his hands clasped together on his knees that are trembling. I hug his arm and leaned my head to his shoulder as I sob. We stayed in this position for about a minute when he spoke.

"Go home. Your children needs you." He said as he remove my hand on his without making any eye contact. Something inside me struck.

"What is your problem ba? I am here comforting you tapos ano? Ipagtatabuyan mo ako? Ano bang problema mo Jessie?" I said as my voice raised.

He stood up and face me.

"You are my problem. Kung sana hindi ka nagmagaling na sasabihin kay Jasmine ang totoo, hindi mangyayari toh. Kung sana wala ka sa bahay, buhay pa ang anak ko. Kung sana, hindi mo siya hinila, kasama ko pa siya ngayon." 

"So ano? It's my fault. Hindi ko naman sinabi sakanya na iligtas ako ah. Kusa niya akong niyakap. Jess, we don't have any proof who the killer was trying to kill."

After I said those words, he wore his jacket and walked towards the exit door. 

"Jessie. Where are you going?"

He didn't turn around, he just turned his head. 

"Does it matter where I am going? I don't care about anything or anyone anymore. Go home to your husband, I'll be in charge of Jasmine's funeral. After that, I don't want to see you again. I don't care what you do, just don't meddle with my life." He said coldly and continued to walk. 

I can't hold it anymore. I still love him. I run and stopped in front of him and hugged him again. I will never get tired of doing so. As soon as I did, he is trying to remove my hand off him.

"Irene. Stop this."

I had no choice but to let go. He placed his hands on my shoulder.

"Listen to me Irene. We are no longer together alright. Our daughter is dead, so there's no reason for us to be with each other again. We have our own families and our own lives. We will never be together again. Do you hear me? After the funeral, there will be nothing between us to keep us together."

Tears flowed like a river as he let go of his hands and walk to his car with the rain falling from the heavens. He went inside his car while I stood as the rain wash away my tears. Maybe he felt bad for me not having an umbrella for he got out of his car carrying one. He came running towards me and made me hold the umbrella, after that, he returned to his car, started the engine, and drove away.

Destiny can be cruel in forbidding someone you love to stay with you until the end.

Author's POV

Sorry for the late update mga marehhh...anyways, thank you for reading. Vote and Share.

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