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(Jessie's POV)

I have decided to bring Irene and my unborn child here in Spain. Irene told her family that she found a job and will not be seeing them for almost a year which is obviously a lie and I don't know how she made them approve. For me, I have 2 month duty and 1 month off. I promised myself that I will do everything to protect them even if I don't like the idea of being a father too soon. But what can I do? The kid is already here, ayoko namang ipalaglag ni Irene.

Mood swings are often and her cravings are the worst. Like who pairs mayonnaise with strawberries? Only Irene.

Irene: "Jess!" She yelled while I am in my office. I rushed downstairs as if every call I get from her is an emergency.

"What? What happened?"

Irene: "Chill love. I want to eat."

"Huh? You just ate a full meal about 10 minutes ago."

Irene: "You don't love me anymore that's why you're no longer feeding me" she said more likely about to cry. Gosh! Pregnant women's mood swings.

"Fine, calm down. What do you want to eat?" I said calmly as I approached and kiss her forehead while she's sitting on the sofa.

Irene: "I don't want anything anymore. You're getting angry at me because I want to eat." She said while crying. I kneel in front of her and hold her hand.

"I'm sorry okay. I won't do it again. Now, what do you want?" I asked her and wiped off her tears. She sniffed and looked at me.

Irene: "Ahhh!"

"What? Are you already in labor? Should I take you to the hospital?" I asked worriedly then stood up.

Irene: "I am only 8 months pregnant and you expect me to be in labor? Relax love. She just kicked."

I immediately sat beside her and placed my hand on her belly. She kicked again causing Irene to be started. I smile as I look at Irene and kiss her passionately.

(2 months later)

It's dawn and I put Jasmine to sleep while Irene is sitting on the bed reading letters from the Philippines. I went to our walk-in closet and got the ring and put it in my pocket. Hopefully, she won't refuse. I went out and still saw her reading.

"Love, let's go the balcony. The sky's prerty." She let go of the letters and held my hand as we went out of the room.

We have been here in the balcony for about 10 minutes but I can't seem to have the courage to ask her. "Fuck! Jessie, do it now." I thought while she is staring at the sky.


Irene: "Hmmm?"

"Do you love me?"

Irene: " Where did you get that kind of question?"

"But do you?" I asked again being anxious if she really loves me or not while looking at her seriously. She faced and kissed me out of nowhere placing her hands on my shoulders.

Irene: "Would I do that if I didn't?"

I pulled out the ring box out my pocket and knelt down.

"Irene Marcos, I know no one whom I should spend the rest of the life with rather than the person whom I am currently facing. Will you marry then?" I asked but I didn't get any answer but a hug as she also knelt down. I have got no idea if she agrees or not. "Is that a yes or a no?"

She faced me crying and kissed me again.

Irene: "Yes love!"

(Several months later.)


(Irene's POV)

I just arrived in the Philippines but we flew separate planes. Jessie and Rina are in a separate plane which would arrive 3 hours from now. I removed my engagement ring and placed it inside my purse.

I am fetched by the Presidential Guards and brought me to Malacañang where I am welcomed by my siblings.

(Jessie's POV)

I arrived with my child in La Union at my parents house. I didn't tell them that I got the president's daughter pregnant nor any information about who I am dating.

John: "Finally! You decided to come." His face changed when he me holding Jassy. "Who's child is that?" I didn't answer him and just avoided my gaze. "Jessie" he said while walking towards me. "Don't tell me it's yours."

"It's mine papa."

John: "With who?" He asked when mama came out of nowhere.

Helen: "You have a child?" I looked at her surprised face.

John: "With who, Jessie?"

"I can't tell dad. I'm sorry."

John: " Hon, get the child for awhile. Leave us for a moment." I gave Jassy to mama.

Helen: "What's her name?"


John: "Full name." He said demandingly.

"Irina Jasmine Marie Montemayor Elizalde."

John: "Why is her middle name your mother's? Did the woman you got pregnant leave you?" I didn't answer and looked at mama carrying Jasmine going out.

As I face papa, I am striked by a punch on my face that caused me to fall down.

John: "Why didn't you wait for you to get married before making her?! You are so careless." He said then sighed.

"I'm sorry papa."

(1 week later)
(Irene's POV)

"Jess, I think it's time to tell my father our relationship." I said while we are eating in a restaurant far from Manila. He didn't pay attention to what I just said and just sipped his drink. "Jess! Did you hear me?!" He looked at me blankly.

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