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(Jassy's POV)

FINALLY! Natapos na ang anim na taong paghihirap sa Calculus. Well meron parin naman sa college, but still.

I told dad if he can come this afternoon for my graduation. Luckily, he agreed.

(1:00 PM SCHOOL)

Host: Let us all welcome to the stage, Irina Jasmine Marie Montemayor Elizade, our valedictorian, to give her valedictory speech.

I went right up the stage and went behind the podium.

"Good afternoon everyone. Time flies so fast as we gather again to celebrate this wonderful event in which we close a chapter in our life to make way to a new chapter which is about to start. Having been able to have the honor to be your valedictorian is truly a surprise. Why? I am not the best. I only have the highest average among our batch. Throughout our journey together, I thank all of those whom I talked to everyday of the week, every week of the month, and every months of the years. To my teachers, classmates and to a the staff, thank you for the memories. The only advise I can give you now that we all part ways is, Do your best, but don't ever think that you are the best at everything you do. Some of you might think that my advise is a discouragement but analyze the quote. Do not ever think that you are the best, it will only break you if you believe you are. If this quote doesn't speak well to you, just remember that analysis and reflection is and has always been the key to a good decision. Thank you very much for listening to my homily."

The audience clapped for a while then stopped as we are to receive our awards.


"Dad, may pupuntahan lang ako saglit. I'll see you nalang sa house is evening."

Jessie: "Sure, wag kang matatagalan ah. Hinihintay ka na daw ng lolo mo".

"I won't dad. Bye." I said as my friends and took a taxi and left.

(Jessie's POV)

I didn't go home right away after Jasmine's graduation for I decided to head to my office to check on some papers before I head home.

(7:00 PM)

I drove home and wondered why there are cars parked outside my fathers house. Still, I got out of my car and walked straight to the door. I opened it and was surprised to see the Marcos family sitting on the couches while my mom and dad are having a conversation with the ex-president.

Papa saw me while I fixed my gaze on him.

John: "It's good you're here."

"Papa, what is going on." I asked with a firm tone as I approach him.

John: "It's time."

"No papa. Not now. She just graduated."

John: "Which is why she needs to know now."

Ferdinand: "So, your love really did bloom. I didn't know that I had a granddaughter."

I looked at him more likely about to say insulting words to his face, for the reason that I was not enough for him. I am about to open my mouth to respond to him, when suddenly the door opens. It's Jasmine holding a bunch of shopping bags.

She stopped when she saw us, surprised. She smiled lightly as she walked forward and kiss me and my parents on the cheek.

John: "Congratulations Jassy."

Jasmine: "Thanks lolo. Anong meron?" She said as she looked at the Marcoses. Ewan ko ba kay Irene king bakit hindi siya umiimik. At isang tanong ko pa, anong reaction ng pamilya ni Irene noong sinabi niya ang tungkol kay Jasmine.

"Papa, please. I will be the one to tell her just please not now."

Jasmine: "Know what dad?" She asked as she looked at me in awe and curiosity.

John: "Jasmine..."

"Pa!" I shouted and did care what he would say or do to me after.

John: "Meet your mother, Irene."

Jasmine is so stunned that she dropped the shopping bags she is carrying. I looked at Irene and she is crying while her hands are shaking. I look at Greggy, it seems like he doesn't care about any of what is happening.

Jasmine: "Tell me this a prank lolo." She said on the verge of breaking down while looking at papa.

(Jasmine's POV)

SHIT! Yes, a part of me wants to see who on earth is my mother, but I shouldn't have wondered who she is.

I looked at Mrs. Araneta who is just standing there like a statue. Not saying a single word and just crying. I have got no idea what on earth I should do when all of their gazes are fixed on me. I cannot cry. I just cannot.

After more likely a minute of silence, lolo spoke again.

John: "Have you digested the information already?"

I just looked at him again. Hindi ko alam kung bakit hindi ako makapagsalita. Pinutol ba ng impormasyong yun ang dila ko? Tears are forming on my eyes but I just cannot let them fall.

John: "Maybe that's a yes. Okay, next information."

Jessie: "Papa, stop it. She already had enough for today. Whatever information you are planning to say, please papa. Not now." My father responded.

John: "Let them in." He commanded as his guards open the front door and it revealed a woman holding the hand of a teenager.

I looked at dad who is already walking back and fourth as he saw the ladies.

Jessie: "Jassy, go to your room. Now!"

"Papa!" The teenager exclaimed as she hug my father. I felt like I saw her at an event somewhere but I cannot seem to remind where.

And ANO?! Papa? Si dad? Fuck! May anak siyang iba? No one dared to speak as the lady walked near us. All the Marcoses eyes are most likely about to pop out. I don't know what information made them shock the most. Is it the fact that they have a third generation granddaughter? Or the fact that my father has another family?

This is bullshit. Really it is.

As I stand there, I can't control it any longer, my tears started to fall.

Julia: "Wow dad, ang ganda naman pala ng bahay mo. Someday, I will inherit all of this right?"

Anong sinabi niya? "Inherit?" Utang na loob sino ka ba?

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