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(Irene's POV)

"MOMMY!!!" I heard a shout from someone behind me.
I turned around and saw Irina standing wearing a black sleeveless dress.

"Irina? How did you know?" She didn't respond. I am walking near her. Just when I am a few feet near her, she is shot on her leg. I walked faster and run towards her but I am stopped by a glass. An endless glass barrier. She is shot again twice on her stomach, bullets hit her through her chest but she didn't collapse. She just stood there, looking at me straight in the eye. I can't shout...I don't know why.

I am punching and banging the glass. Seeing my knuckles bleed while I try to break the glass is useless.

"Mom." I looked at her.

"Rina, I will get you out of there, okay." I looked around to see if there is anything I can break the glass with, but I see nothing rather than endless colored white walls.


I again face her. A bullet shot through the back of her head that got out off her forehead. That's the time she fell sideways. The bullet slowed after it shot my daughter, then followed by three more.

I ducked down. The bullets hit the glass that shattered into pieces. I run towards her. I feel nothing and can't say anything. Her eyes are open and bathes in her own blood. I am about to touch her when I am taken back by an earthquake-like shake.

I opened my eyes and saw Greggy's worried eyes staring at me.

"It's good you wake up. You were shouting "Rina" continuously." I sat down and leaned my back on the headboard and sighed as I try to calm myself down against my fast beating heart while thinking about what I just dreamt about.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah. I'm fine. Sorry for disturbing you Love."

"Sleep again Love. The kids competition will be tomorrow." Greggy said as he kiss my forehead. I positioned myself as I try to sleep.

Minutes have passed but I can't seem to sleep thinking about Irina. Greggy is already sleeping soundly while I stare at the ceiling. Hindi na talaga ako mapakali...kailangan kong malaman kung okay lang ba si Irina.

I walked silently and went to my daughter's room. Luckily, it isn't locked. I turned the doorknob and saw no one but open books on the table and reviewers scattered. The bed is still intact. I start to worry and panic as I walk straight to the comfort room but didn't find her.

I dashed downstairs, looking at every room I walk pass by, when I see her at the garden...staring at the open space. I sighed as I am greatful that nothing bad happened to my daughter as I open the sliding door.

"Can't sleep?" I asked as she look at me for a while and turned her gaze upon the starry sky while I sit beside her.

"Just reflecting ma'am."

"At this time?"


"Ca-. Can I hug you?" I asked with my voice shaking as I stutter. She look at me partly shocked. I won't forget those eyes. Her sparkling blue eyes that are lit clearly by the moons light. The eyes that may look like she has everything she ever wanted but a part of her life has something missing that she can't seem to have.

Jasmine: "Ummm...sure." She answered na parang napipilitan as i hug her tightly with my tears starting to form.

"I had a daughter once. But I lost her because of my marriage." I said while I repeatedly caress her hair, still hugging her. She parted her body from me and looked at me blankly, probably wondering what the hell does she have to do with it.

Jasmine: "Sorry about that."

"We should go to sleep now. You have a big day tomorrow." I said as I sniff and look at her having no idea what just happened. She nodded as we both head upstairs. She is about to go inside her room when I grabbed her hand and hugged her once again. She didn't hug me back but still, I got to hug my daughter again after years of us being apart.

I kissed her forehead while she's looking down.

"Good night Irina." She turned around and closed the door without saying anything.

"Will you forgive me my Love?" I said silently before I head back to our room.


(Jassy's POV)

This is the longest review I have ever had in all competitions I have had. Hopefully, the one month I have stayed in a room full of silence won't be in vain.

Irene: "All right everyone, let's go. Good luck to you all."

I regret coming here. Why? These past few weeks, Mrs. Araneta had been staring at me every time we see each other. Ewan ko ba kung may sama ba ng loob siya sa akin, or ewan. Basta, ang weird at bakit ba siya nangyayakap? Ayoko na talaga, gusto ko nang umuwi.

I called dad last night, asking him if he will come for my tournament. But he refused. He said that there is an urgent meeting where he will attend. I didn't oppose it as I don't want to be a hindrance for him not to go. Basically, I don't want to be selfish.

"Calling all contestant to please come on stage and go to your respect podiums, as the test will start in a few minutes. Thank you." The host announced as we, the contestants housed by Mrs. Araneta are sitting on the bleachers and arose to go on stage.

I saw the podiums by each one of us while I walk up the stage. The front of the podiums indicate the names, the province, and the region of the contestants. We are all standing in our podiums and focusing our minds on what we least for me, that's what I'm doing. I didn't bother to look at the other contestants and just fixed my gaze upon the audience.

Author's Note
Thank you for reading mga marehhh...Vote and Share

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