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(Irene's POV)

I am currently hugging Jessie arguing with him not to give up on us.

Jessie: "Let's end this, whatever this is between us. It's better if we end it up ourselves than make your father do something we'll regret for the sake of us separating.

'Tell me you're joking."

Jessie: "Would I be saying these words if I'm not?" He said looking at me straight in the eye.

I banged his chest several times while crying but he didn't back off nor try to stop me. He just stood there drinking, putting his left arm on his hip while the right one is holding the bottle.

"How dare you let go of me after just months of proposing!" I yelled and slap his face that made him drop the whiskey bottle and face me angrily. He then raised his hand and is about to slap me while I flinch. He didn't continue and just paused and placed his hands on my cheek and leaned forward his forehead on mine.

Jessie: "I'm sorry." He said while closing his eyes. "You know we can't continue this, right?"  He lead me to the couch where I hug him tightly. A hug as if I'm going to lose him forever...which is what's going to happen. "I'll give you a week to pack your things and spend time with Jasmine before I distance myself I mean, before we distance ourselves from you." That shocked me more.

"What do you mean distance yourselves, you can't take Rina away from me."

Jessie: "Then what do you want? No one can know that you are the mother of Jassy since we are not married." I couldn't do anything. He's right.

"Fine. But I want to see her everytime I can in a year."

After our intense discussion, I alone went back to our room and spent every second of every minute of every hour that I got with Rina. Hopefully when the time comes, she'll understand our situation.

(1 Week later)

I'm spending every last minute I still have with my daughter. Jessie brought down the remaining things I've packed while I am carrying Rina who is peacefully sleeping in my arms while holding my finger.

Jessie: "In about 3 minutes, the presidential guards will fetch you." I placed Rina in her crib and walked near Jessie.

"I'm sorry for making things hard for you." I said again, crying while hugging him.

Jessie: "I'm sorry for loving you Irene Marcos."

"Kiss me...for the last time. Will you." He kissed my forehead down to my two cheeks but didn't bother to even touch my lip. "Kiss me on the lip." He sighed.

Jessie: "You don't belong to me anymore. I don't have the right to kiss you." He said as he smiled letting go of my waist, putting his hands behind his back.

"Jess, this is the last favor I am asking you. Please." I said as my tears flow from both of the eyes.

***Car honking***

Jessie: " They're here." He said then carried my things and went out. As he did, I returned to Rina and kiss her forehead and cheek repeatedly and lead myself out. The presidential car is waiting for me while Jessie is standing beside the gate.

I went near him and hug him again but he  didn't hug me back. He gently removed my hands from his back.

Jessie: "You have to go."

"Kiss me for the last time...please."

Jessie: "Go. Congratulations on your soon to be wedding." He said with a smile. I placed my head on his chest for a moment then went inside the car, sobbing.

(Months Later)
(Jessie's POV)

Letting her go is the worst feeling ever. I can't do's an order from the President. I decided to take part in my fathers company while staying abroad.

I went on to file my resignation letter and let it sign by the highest-positioned officer here in Mindanao. It wouldn't include the President since I am already thrown out from Manila by the First Lady since the meeting.

"Sir." I entered the hut where our senior officers are currently staying and salute them.

Captain Ledesma: "Pasok Lieutenant Elizalde". I walked towards them and placed the envelope on their table. Captain read it first and is astonished. "Lieutenant, sumumpa ka sa bayan para pagsilbihan siya, tapos ano ngayon? Resign? Hindi!" He shouted giving the other seniors and idea that I am resigning

General Santos: "Anong pumasok sa kokote mo para magresign?" He asked then stood up and placed his hand on my shoulder. "You do know that you are the greatest weapon the country has? Your brain in beyond ones capacity to achieve. We lost half of your batchmates, we cannot afford to lose you too. What's the problem?"

"Sir, it's a personal reason, sir"

General Santos: "Get out for a minute. We just have to talk about this." I saluted them and went outside.

After minutes, they called me inside.

Captain Ledesma: "Your resignation is approved. Get out before I turn you into a punching bag."


After my return from Mindanao, I invited mama and papa to come to the house for want to make announcements.

"Dad, I am thinking of having a position in your company, if I may." I asked him na talagang napipilitan.

John: "What's the catch?"

"We'll be living abroad. I can manage to help by sending you letters."

Helen: "Did you resign?" I didn't answer and just looked and Jassy laughing while playing with her teddy bear. They both know the answer to their question. I resigned to the job I have always wanted  in order to take care of my child.

John: "Where will you go? Spain?"

"I won't tell you until I recover and until Jasmine develops her mind."

Helen: "So we won't see you for a long time again?"

"I'm afraid so mama."

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