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(Jasmine's POV)

It's already a week before the tournament and Mr. and Mrs. Araneta along with Mr. Bong and Ma'am Imee brought us to Boracay. They say for it's relaxation before the competition. The past three weeks have been very busy for me. I received calls from Ma'am Janna every sundays telling me how is everything doing. Asking the questions "Is it hard?" and "How are you doing?" Buti pa tung ibang taong hindi ko kaano ano may paki. Well, I treat her as my older sister since she is only 6-7 years older than me and we have gotten close because of her accompanying me in most of my competitions.

Even if they told us to relax, I can't. Who can relax if you are thinking of the people who are counting on you? Well, maybe them. They gave us individual rooms, luckily. Okay lang mayaman naman sila. I am in my room reading every book I can find about law, constitution, history of the country and the like. The Araneta's are good people...since we have been living with them. Their daughter, Irish is very spoiled in my personal opinion. Their sons Luis and Alfonso are friendly and welcoming. Who am I to say their bad? I am no one.

While I am reading, I heard a knock. Who am I not to open? Binuksan ko ang pinto at nakita si Ma'am Irene. Ano nanaman bang sasabihin niya!!!

Irene: "They are all having fun. Why aren't you joining them?"

"I'm studying Ma'am." I replied simply.

Irene: "We brought you all here to relax for just a bit before the competition. Enjoy the atmosphere for just a week then you can go back on reviewing. Come with me. The sky's pretty." She said and lend her hand. Alangan namang tanggihan ko diba.

"Ummm...susunod nalang po ako sainyo mamaya. I'll be there in about 5 minutes." I said with a smile as she leave. Bakit ko tinanggihan na hawakan yung kamay niya? Kasi baka makita ni Irish. I have observed that she gets jealous immediately when someone other her and her family gets close to Mrs. Araneta.

I waited for 5 minutes to get out of the villa and went to the shore where everyone is having fun. Some are swimming, some are playing volleyball on the sand and others are just sitting. A waiter approached me and told me if I wanted something. I just ordered a Blue Lemonade and I alone sat on the sand staring at the sunset. My drink arrived and here am I looking at the sparkling sea under the mixture of the colors yellow, orange and red sky thinking what would my life be if I had a mother looking out for me.

Even if I try to erase her, I don't know why I can't. When I was about 6 years old, I asked my father about her but he didn't bother to open his mouth to even tell me her name. I've asked my lolo and lola but they said that they don't know who she is.

Irene: "Talaga bang hindi ka makarelax?" I looked at her blankly not having any idea on what she just said.


Irene: "Wala ka bang friends? Lagi kang mag-isa and kahit na nakaupo ka lang parang lagi kang may iniisip. May problema ba?" She said as she sit beside me.

"Ma'am, there are plenty of chairs. Wag ka dito, madudumihan damit mo."

Irene: "Don't mind me. So, what's the problem?"

I don't know why I feel like I should be open to her.

"Naranasan niyo na po bang iwan?"

She chuckled.

Irene: "I was left by someone whom I dearly love. Why do you ask?"

"No reason. It just hurts being left by someone whom I desperately needed growing up." I replied as I take a sip on my drink.

Irene: "Why? Who left you?"

"My mother. I even have no idea what her name is."

Irene: "There is a reason for everything Rina." She said then looked and the sunset. What on earth did she call me?


Irene: "Oh I'm sorry. I meant Jasmine."

I'm taken back by a voice of a man.

Bong: "Ms. Elizalde".

I turn around and saw Mr. Marcos along with his sister. My gosh! Nauna na akong tumayo bago si Ma'am Irene.

"Mr. Marcos." I simply replied. They came closer to us. And out of the blue, he asked:

Bong: "How's your father?" He said and the three of them just stared at me blankly.

" know my father?"

Imee: "Of course we do. Wala ba siyang sinabi sayo?"

"Tungkol po saan?"

Imee: "Wala nga siyang sinabi. Well...your father and Irene hav-."

Irene: "Ate, not now."

Bong: "Kaya nga Ate, napaka bungangera."

"What about my father?"

Irene: "He will tell you soon." She said and signaled her siblings to keep their mouth shut.

Bong: "But how is Lieute- I mean Congressman Elizalde?"

"He's fine Sir. He's just busy doing his job and what? Lieutenant? Were you going to say Lieutenant?" They looked at me, the look as is I have no idea what they are talking about...which is absolutely true.

Imee: "Wala ba siyang sinasabi sayo?"

"Ummm...wala naman po, what year?

Bong: "Can't exactly remember but when dad was still the president and if you don't know, he was one of the best. Not one of the best, he was really the best during his time. Maybe, he's just waiting for the right time to tell you about his past."

I looked away from them.

"Maybe so."

Mr. Bong and Ma'am Imee told us that we should already eat dinner. I nodded and said that I will catch up to them after I go get my phone in my room which they all agreed.

I am in my room thinking of the things the Marcoses said to me earlier.

"Your father and Irene."


I sighed deeply as those words keep on replaying in my mind. What other secrets are my father hiding from me?

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