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(Present Period)

(Irene's POV)

After the daughter of Jessie with the woman spoke, Jasmine just stood there with no emotion while we are all in shock knowing that Jessie has another child that Jasmine didn't know of.

(Jasmine's POV)

"Babe." The woman said as she kiss my father's cheek while I stare at them in shock.

Jessie: "Jassy, look at me." He walked towards my direction and placed his hands on my face, making me face him. "You will always be my priority."

"Are they the reason why you were always away for weeks?"

Jessie: "I'm sorry, okay? Naging madalas lang na kinailangan nila ako sa Cebu. I promise that I will fill up my absences."

I chuckled as I remove my father's hand on my face and looked at lolo.

"Lolo since when did you know about this?"

John: "A year after you both came back."

I chuckled again thinking that "Is this a joke?"

"Wow ah! Six years of not knowing that my father has another family. May balak ba kayong sabihin sakin?"

Julia: "Excuse me, but who are you?"

Cristy: "Anak siya ng tatay mo." the woman whispered.

John: "Aren't you gonna talk to your mother?"

"Do you want me to? Fine." I replied and looked at Mrs. Araneta.
"For about a month of seeing me, why on earth haven't you mentioned that you are my mother?" I asked facing her.

Irene: "I was ashamed."

"Were you now? Fine, next question. Why haven't you visited, even for once?"

She couldn't say a word. She just looked down, sobbing.

"Tara na nga, wala naman tayong mapapala dito." Irish said.

Those words triggered something inside me. Hindi ko na kayang hindi buksan ang bunganga ko.

"Bakit? May pumilit ba sayong pumunta dito? Sorry ha, pero kating-kati na ang bunganga kong hindi magsalita. Pero magmula noong natalo kita sa quiz, bakit parang ako ang may kasalanan?"

Irish: "Dahan-dahan ka sa mga susunod na sasabihin mo. Tandaan mo, apo ako ng dating presidente."

"Ano ngayon? First of all, hindi ikaw ang presidente. Pangalawa, hindi na presidente ang lolo mo, at pangatlo, walang may pakialam." I replied going nearer to her direction.

Ferdinand: "Is this how you raised your daughter? Palasagot and palaban." I turned my head to him, wanting to answer him but dad spoke.

Jessie: "Jasmine, stop. I raised her to be independent, to fight for the good."

John: "Enough with this circus act-like drama. Jassy, pumili ka kung saan mo gustong tumira, permanently."

I chuckled.

"Ano toh? Agawan? Where will I live? Sa nanay kong walang pakialam, sa tatay kong tinago na may pamilyang iba, or sainyo lolo, na ilang taong tinago saakin ang totoo? Do you think I would want to live with any of you? Plus, ngayon ko lang naisip na wala naman akong kwenta diba? Look, my mum and dad have families of their own. So bakit pa ba ako nagiging saling-pusa?" I replied on the verge of breaking down.

Jessie: "Jassy, I know this is a lot for you to take but, I gave everything for you." Dad said as he came closer again.

"So you think that I should owe you? Because what?"


"Sorry ha. If I was the reason why you resigned, Lieutenant Elizalde! Sorry ha. But let me tell you dad, that I didn't ask to be born nor did I ever wanted to be born in this life that is full of secrecy!"

He slapped me using the back of his hand causing me to fall. All eyes are on me.

John: "Jessie!"

Irene: "Jess!"

Both of them exclaimed at the same time. I rose from the floor.

"Don't you dare talk to me again." I said and attempted to walk away when a hand grabbed my wrist which avoided me to leave. I turned and it was Mrs. Araneta, or should I say, my mother.

Irene: "Don't leave." She said as tears flow from her eyes.

I removed her hand and was about to leave when bullets shot the windows that eventually got inside the house. I held my mother's waist with my right hand and placed my left on her head as the both of us fell down.

I have no idea what on earth is happening. Bullets kept on firing for seconds. That is what I remember before I black out.

(Irene's POV)

What the hell just happened?

The shooting stopped. I open my eyes and saw Jasmine on top of me.

"Jasmine, its fine. It stopped." I said as I place my hand on her head. I stopped when I realized that she is not responding nor breathing. I felt that I am touching a liquid-like substance. I raised my hand to see what it is.

Its blood.

"Jess! Jess!" I exclaimed.

He came running towards us and removed Jasmine from me. It's just like what I dreamt of. The shots on her body are the same.

Jessie: "Jassy. Jasmine. Look at me will you?." He said with his voice shaking while he taps Jasmine's cheeks.

John: "Get away from her." He commanded, but Jessie wouldn't move. "Miro. Get Jasmine, and drive to the hospital as fast as the car can." He commanded his bodyguard. "Joseph, find out who the fuck did this to my granddaughter. I'll make that person pay." He said to his other bodyguard.

Greggy came dashing towards me.

Greggy: "Are you alright?"

"Yeah. Yeah I'm fine."

Bong: "Is everyone alright!"

Everyone nodded. Bullets scattered everywhere and glass shattered into pieces. Surprisingly, it is only Jasmine who got shot among all of us.

Did the person who commented this only wanted my daughter to die?

Author's Note
Thank you for reading mga marehhh...Vote and Share. Lab u all ♥

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