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(Irene's POV)

"I'm really sorry for disappointing you." Jasmine apologizes while sitting on her swivel chair as Jessie and I look at her with mixed emotions. "But I really don't remember you." That's impossible! Literally impossible.

"Dad, paano siya buhay? Dad kitang kita ng dalawang mata ko na nabaril siya sa ulo. Dad, alam ko naman na ayaw mong mapunta ang kompanya kay Julia pero please lang dad, sobra naman na siguro kung naghire ka ng impostor."

John chuckled a bit.

"Why would I hire someone to play Jasmine, when she is dead alive?"

"So why did you hide her from us?" I asked.

"Would you want to see her lay in bed unconsciously, just waiting to die? She was in a coma for a year. She went to a recovery center in Russia. She went to Harvard University with the course of Business Administration. What else do you want to know?"

Jessie turned to Jasmine who is doing paper works, as if she doesn't care about anything that is happening. Bakit parang wala siyang pakialam? Siya ba talaga to? Is she my Jasmine?

Jessie: "Jasmine, are you available this evening?"

Jasmine: " depends. Why?"

Jessie: "Can I come fetch you this 6: 30 PM?"

Jasmine: "Sure. As long as I have no emergency appointments."

Jessie: "Alright then. That's set." He replied and proceeded to leave, wherein I followed.

We exited the room leaving John and Jasmine inside. I grabbed his arm before he can continue to take a step, he turned to face me.

"Is it really her?" I asked more likely on the verge of crying. He looked around, maybe scanning if there are people watching, which there aren't any because we are on the top floor of the building. This floor is meant only for the company's CEO. He walked nearer and surprisingly, hugged me. With his right hand on my waist, and left on my upper back, that moment felt like the day he proposed to me back then. I hugged him back and rested my head on his chest. God, I wish I could live like this forever.

Jessie: "We'll see this evening. Meet us at the garden."

We parted, our eyes met. I started moving my face closer to his. He avoided. Right. We are no longer a couple. God Irene! Lagi mong nakakalimutan na may asawa yung tao. He stepped a bit backward.

Jessie: "See you later, Mrs. Araneta." That is all he said before he rushed to the elevator. I really can't have want I want, can't I?


(Jessie's POV)

Jasmine: "You do know that you don't have to beep, considering that I already saw you." My daughter said as she entered my car. I smiled, slightly. "So, where are we going?"

"You'll see when we get there." I replied as she fixed her gazed upon the window. The car is filled with silence as I have no idea what to talk about without the confirmation that she is indeed my daughter or not and if it is really her, is it true that she doesn't remember anything about us? Or is she pretending?

After a couple of minutes, we've arrived. I contacted someone to decorate the garden this morning. If she really doesn't remember us, maybe, just maybe, her headstone will trigger her memory. I parked my car behind Irene's.

Jasmine: "Where are we?"

"Your resting place." I simply replied. She looked at me, scarred. It's like any second, her eyes would pop out. "Kidding."

I proceeded on entering the gate when I realized that she isn't following me. I turned around, saw she stood like a statue, frozen as ice.

"Are you seriously not coming? Bilisan mo nga." I commanded which she obeyed.

We both entered, saw hanging lights, a round table with a peach and white-colored cloth layered on top. Cupcakes are among the food that are displayed, a wine bottle is dipped in a bucket of ice and another table is on the right side filled with other foods.

Irene walked near and kissed me on my cheek before changing her face to an emotionless one. She looked at Jasmine who is staring at the urn. Possibly looking back and forth from it and the headstone.

"Jassy?" I called but she had no response. "Jasmine?"

Jasmine: "Hmmm?" She looked at me. God! I miss those sparkling eyes. But that's when I knew that it is either she's not Jasmine or she really lost her memories. Because every time I would call her then, I used Jassy because I thought that calling her Jasmine was too long.

I didn't reply and just walked towards our table and placed the envelope I am holding on to of it, leaving both Irene and Jasmine still standing.

(Irene's POV)

Jessie left. If I do this, and I will feel a certain connection, it would clear my mind from thinking whether or not she is my daughter or the opposite.


"Yes, Mrs. Araneta?"

"Can I possible hug you for just a minute?" I asked teary-eyed.

"Ummm..." she chuckled. "Sure?"

I went near her and I hug her. No connection...what so ever from the first seconds. Is it her? Is she my daughter? I can't control it anymore. My tears flowed, crying like there's no tomorrow.

"Why did you leave me for the second time, my love?" I whispered as I assumed that I cannot talk properly. After what I said, she hugged me back. "Why didn't you call just to say that you are alive? All these years I thought that you were dead." I kept on crying for seconds when I held her head to rest it on my shoulder when I felt a small circular mark. It's her.

I looked at her, no emotions whatsoever. She really did loose her memories didn't she?

"Jass-" I was supposed to speak when Jessie interrupted.

"Jasmine, sit on the chair will you?" she nodded, leaving the both of us.

Jessie: "What happened?"

"It's her Jessie. She's our daughter. She has a small circular mark at the back of her head. She could've gotten that from the bullet." I replied with desperation while he wouldn't open his mouth to say a single word. "Jessie! Ano ba? Wala ka man lang bang sasabihin?" I exclaimed.

Jessie: "What do you want me to say!? Even if she is our daughter, she doesn't remember any shit about us! Plus..." He exhaled. "...I think it would be better if we let it stay that way." I cannot believe he just said that. "If we let her know the truth, who knows what would happen to her again?"

"Jess, I lost her twice. Naririnig mo ba ako? Hindi ko siya nakitang lumaki, hindi ko siya kilala tapos ang sasabihin mo, hahayaan natin siya? You know you we're lucky you got to spend time with her for 18 years. Ako? As much as I wanted to, I couldn't. If you only know how much it hurts for me to not be able to play a role as a mother to her. Every day since I left her, I longed for her cries, her scent, her presence. When I saw her for the first time in 18 years, I promised to do whatever it takes to bond with her, to be there when she needed me. I longed for her to call me "mom". Now that she is back, I will continue to what I promised, whatever it takes."

Jessie: "This is the part where you don't listen to me, do you? Remember that I warned you not to do this." He replied and walked towards the table. I turned around and composed myself before I went back to join them.

Author's Note

Good evening mga mareh...Happy reading.

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