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(Jessie's POV)
As Irene went upstairs, I can't help but grip the chair that is in front of me tightly and hold the side of my abdomen while closing my eyes. Fuck! It hurts. I raised my shirt and saw blood through my bandage.

"Fuck" I said silently as I went in the bathroom on the first floor to inject myself with a special medicine that is only given to soldiers. While am curing myself, the doorknob turned.

Irene: "Jess, what will you-" she wasn't able to continue what she is about to say when she saw tissues of blood all over the sink. "What on earth happened? You were fine a minute ago." She said starting to cry.

"Get out!" I commanded which she followed. I continued injecting the medicine, looking at my reflection on the mirror while hearing Irene's cry outside the CR.

I finished curing myself and clean up the mess. I went out of the comfort room and saw Irene sitting on the sofa, hugging her knees, crying. I approached her while my hand is placed on my abdomen, walking slowly.

"I told you to rest." I said and sat next to her.

Irene: "And you told me that you would be fine." She said looking at me straight in the eye. "Who did this?" I didn't respond as I avoid her gaze. "Jessie Elizalde! Who did this to you?" She exclaimed demanding that I answer her question.

"How would I know? I was shot 2 nights ago." As I say those words, her face changed into a worriedly-cute one. "Hey. It's fine, I won't die." I faced her and held her cheek. "Unfortunately, I won't be able to cook for you." I said with a smile. She hugged me crossing her arms around my neck.

Irene: "Don't die. I'm begging you."

"I'll try love." I said as I kiss her cheek.

(2 months later)

(Irene's POV)

This can't be real, can it? I thought as I am holding 5 pregnancy tests being positive. "Will Jessie be alright with this? " "What will my father say?" "Will I keep the child?" These are the questions running through my mind.

I went out of my room putting the pregnancy test in my purse to find Jessie, nervously. He was assigned here in Malacañang after they found out that he was shot again.

"Captain Eduardo, have you seen Lieutenant Elizalde?"

"Maybe he's in his office ma'am."

"Thank you." I replied as I walked trying to calm myself down going to his office. I knocked.

Jessie: "Come in." I went in and saw him doing some paperwork. He raised his head. "Ms. Marcos, how many I help you?" I am shaking while holding my purse. "Irene?"

I closed the window blinds and put my purse on his table.

Jessie: "What's this?" He asked but I couldn't utter a single word. He opened it and same as me, shocked. "Tell me that not a single one of these are not yours."

I can't speak and trying my very best not to cry.

Jessie: "My house 8:00 PM" He simply said and I got out of his office.

(Elizalde Residence 8:00 PM)

Jessie: "Since when?"

I didn't say a word and just stared at the floor while sitting properly facing him, who is drinking alcohol.

Jessie: "Answer me Irene! Since when?!

"I don't know, I just took these this morning since I felt sick these past few weeks."

Jessie: "FUCK!" He shouted, throwing the glass of alcohol that broke into pieces. He stood up and held my lower face for me to face him. "You told me you were taking pills."

"Jessie, you're hurting me." I said on the verge of crying. He let go his grip and walked back and forth.

Jessie: "What will you do with that?"

"I don't know. Jess I'm sorry. I was taking pills but I stopped weeks before going to Spain." I said crying and he got the whiskey bottle and chugged all the remaining liquid.

Jessie: "What will you're father say about this."

I stood up and went near him.

"Jess, I'm sorry"

Jessie: "Your apology won't do anything now." He said looking away from me, placing his hands on his waist. I hugged him while sobbing.

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