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(4 Years Later)

(Jessie's POV)

For some reason, dad decided to retire. Thus, he wants to have a party wherein he will announce who will inherit his company considering that we are not talking to each other for about a solid 10 years. I don't know if he will still give it to me or he will be appointing someone out of the family. We'll just see this evening.

"You ready babe?" Cristy asked while I am fixing my neck tie.

"5 minutes." I answered.

"Okay. Exited na daw si Julia. Hihintayin ka nalang namin sa baba."

I didn't say anything and I just smiled. She proceeded, closed the door as I hear footsteps fading while I look at my reflection. "Who am I to have the control over the company?" I asked myself.


(Elizalde Company)

Everyone is cluttered around the area. Round tables topped with white satin cloth, so are chairs with gold linings and stage with gold and silver decorations along with white and blue roses. Talagang pinaghandaan ni dad to ah. When lolo entrusted the company to my dad about 20 years ago, ni hindi ganito kaganda ang venue. 

We are greeted by my mother.

Julia: "Hi Lola!"

Helen: "Hello." she replied as they did beso. "Cristy?"

Cristy: "Ma." she kissed my mother's cheek.

Julia: "The venue is greet lola!"

Helen: "Of course it is. It was designed by a special someone, who apparently, doesn't want to be named." she replied with a giggle. "Anyways, your seats are at the front, we will be joining you with your lolo in a while."

We proceeded. We sat down. I saw Julia being excited. I guess she was already told by dad that she will be operating the company since I rejected the offer a long time ago. Not for long, mom and came to seat with us.

"Ma. Si dad?" I asked.

"He will announce first then he will join us after." I nodded. 

For some apparent reason, Cristy held my hand, firmly. I know that everything is a show. We are just doing this for Julia to have a picture-perfect family...not letting history repeat itself. Is she in love with me for real?

"Good evening ladies and gentle. Welcome to the 3rd turnover celebration of the Elizalde Company! Let us all welcome to the stage Mr. John Perfida Elizalde." the host exclaimed as father walks up the stage with his hands on his sides.

John: "Good evening everyone. Thank you all for coming. Before we move on to the grand announcement, may I acknowledge the presence of the Marcoses and the Aranetas." 

I was shocked by what he said so I turned around to see for myself. No joke. They are sitting about 2 tables behind us. Kelangan ba talagang meron sila? Well, our family have been trying to compete with them for the past 30 years but still no luck. We remained second on every yearly survey regarding to the question, "Who is the richest relating real-estate business in the Philippines?"

I returned my gaze at my father. 

"And now, for the moment you have all been waiting for...I shall make my successor to be none other than my one and only granddaughter." 

I knew it, that is why Julia was so excited before we left the house. I looked at her, she has a big smile on her face. 

"Let us all welcome to the stage..." Julia is getting ready to stand up...full of excitement I should say. I'm happy for her.

"Jasmine Montemayor Elizalde!" 

What! Baliw na ba ako? Julia didn't continue to stand up as a young woman walked up the stage. Everything is moving in a slow motion. She's wearing a white dress with gold lining on her left side and blue lining on her right. There are 2 braids from her forehead going to the center, being one with her ponytail. She is wearing a golden's inheritance from my grandmother.


Guests are already whispering...if not, gasping.

"Ma?" I turned to my mother in astonishment. She doesn't seem to be bothered by anything...I'm guessing, she already knew.

The woman approached the microphone.

"Good evening everyone. I may not remember all of your names, but I will try to do so as soon as possible. Anyways, you may be wondering how I am alive. To answer that question, I don't know either. Ask lolo." she chuckled as she turned to my father.

Anong kalokohan ang ginawa nila?

"Anyways, this evening shall mark a new era of the Elizalde Real-Estate Company. Rest assured that I shall lead the company into a better era than what it already is. May we all enjoy the night, Thank you." she ended. 

Some clapped, some...still shocked. That includes myself. How can she be alive? She was shot multiple times, she was shot through her head. Paano? 

She went down the stage and stopped to talk to dad. I stood up, I didn't mind Cristy calling me, nor anything blocking my way. A force somewhat wants me to approach Jasmine. Is it truly her? It's her...who could she be? 

As I am going towards her direction, I believe their conversation ended as she is walking towards my direction with her phone placed near her ear, accompanied by 3 bodyguards. They came closer and closer. I can't seem to move.

"Jasmine." I called out. She looked at me...blankly. I am suppose to approach her for a hug but one of her bodyguards prevented me from doing so. "Jasmine. I am your father." 

"Ma'am, we should go. You will be late." The other guard said in which she nodded. She turned her head to me once more. Doesn't she remember me? That would be impossible. I raised her.

They proceeded on heading out. For about a minute I just stood, dumbfounded. I came to my senses when I really wanted answers to my question. Dad. I rushed near him, who is casually sitting on our table. 

"Dad. Baka naman, gusto mong sabihin kung bakit tinago mo saakin na buhay ang anak ko." I said angrily but also slightly calm not to let it be heard by guests. 

"Enjoy the party Jessie. We'll talk about this tomorrow. For now, let us celebrate the fact that I have a successor rather than you." He replied as he took a sip of brandy. 

What on earth is happening? 

I turned to Irene who is apparently, staring directly at me. As soon as our eyes met, I avoided. I stood up again and proceeded to head out. I need answers like, right now.

Author's Note

Thank you for reading mga marehhh...Love you all. Comment your thoughts. 

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