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(Irene's POV)

I'm here in my office area here in the house. The words "Jasmine Elizalde" kept on haunting me everything day and night. "Does Jessie know that I will see my daughter again?" "Did he read the letter ate sent?" "Will he still approve Jasmine to come when he knows that I will let her inside my house?" "Will I see him again?" There are question that can't be answered right away.

I can't stand it anymore. I decided to call him. I dialed the phone and apparently he answered it right away.

"Hello, Elizalde Residence." he said that made me tear up. It is the voice I have been wanting to hear for years.

"Hello?" he said again. This time I really need to answer him.

"Ummm...Jessie?" I said while closing and locking the door, sniffing. 

There was silence.

"Irene?" he just said plainly.

"How have you been?" I asked teary eyed.

"I've been fine. WE have been fine." he said emphasizing the word "WE". "I'm sure you called about Jasmine having to stay with you."

"Will she come?" I asked 

"She wants to. I can't control her. She's of legal age." 

"Will you come?" this time, my tears really fell.

"I don't know."

"Jessie please, it's been many years since I last saw you."

I heard a sigh.

"Mrs. Araneta, we have been apart for many years, it would be better if we didn't see each other this time. It was my mistake loving you without your father's approval."

"It was my mistake loving you". Those words hurt me more than anything.

"Jessie please, just once. Let me see you just once."

"She will go there without me. If you want to look at me, I have a Facebook account. Look at my face there." He said as he hung up.

I applied my palm to my mouth as I cried hysterically. I remembered the day we parted ways the day I last saw them. The day that broke my heart into a million pieces. My first heartbreak but I ask the question, "Will it be my last?" 

I composed myself as I returned to my room with Greggy sleeping. I stared at him. "What will be my life if I had been with Jessie?" I said on my mind. I laid on the bed as I positioned myself facing the opposite direction from Greggy. 

I fell into a deep slumber.


"And now, presenting the Philippine Military Academy's Valedictorian, Jessie Montemayor Elizalde!" the host said as he walk up the stairs of the stage.

He shook my father's hand. 

Ferdinand: "Congratulations Cadet or should I say, Lieutenant  Elizalde."

Jessie: Thank you Mr. President."

He shook my hand. Our eyes met but he withdraw and went to the podium for his speech. He spoke calmly yet firm. He spoke with hand gestures and included jokes. I just stared at him. He's handsome. After the event, I went to find him.

"Where's Lieutenant Elizalde?" I asked the officer beside me.

"Maybe he's with his family or in the barracks." 

"Thank you."

"Dad, I just have to find someone. I will come afterwards."

Ferdinand: "Make it quick. Your mother wants us to have lunch at the Palace."

I walked down to the barracks. I was seen by no one going down as they are all celebrating their graduation on the grounds. I am about to walk to the entrance of the barracks when I bumped into someone. I fell of course, I am wearing heels.

"Miss Marcos?" he said as he help me get up. I saw his eyes, they are worried maybe because he bumped into the president's daughter. He looked around and as he saw no one, he looked back at me.

"Are you looking for someone Miss Marcos? Everyone's on the grounds. The female's rooms are two turns to your right, beside the gate." he said. Thinking maybe I was looking for a female friend.

"Ummm...I wasn't looking any female friend or something."

"Oh...then may I ask why are you hear?" he asked holding an envelope.

"Your speech was great." I said as I look down.

"Thank you I appreciate it greatly but if I may not offer you any help, I'm afraid I have to go. My family is waiting for me."

"You may go. See you at the Palace for dinner."

"The Palace?" he asked surprised.

"Didn't your head informed you that we will have dinner as the Palace for you as PMA's valedictorian?"

"Ohhh that part. Yes he did I just forgot. See you there then Miss Marcos. I'm afraid I have to go." He said as he run up the stairs. Leaving me with a smile on my face. I decided to go up as well. 

Author's Note

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