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(Jessie's POV)

God! Why does she do that? I am looking at myself on the mirror, changing my bandage. We'll be returning to Mindanao after lunch. The president wants us to have lunch together meaning us the soldiers, his family, and our officers. I want to be out of here as soon as possible. She keeps on following me wherever I go. Update about my leg? It's better. I can walk but I can't run.

I heard a knock as soon as I finished replacing my used bandage with a new one. It's not wrapped around my head anymore. I just use it to cover the scar. What about the scratch on my cheek? Still covering it up. Don't care about people starring at me.

"Lunch is served Sir." 

"I'll be there down in a moment."

Before arriving at the dining area, I walked into Irene. Why does this keep on happening? While looked at me with a smile.

Irene: "You're going back to Mindanao this afternoon, right?"

"Yes Ma'am" I said as we both head down to the dining area not saying a word on the way but I can see that she is smiling. What is it with her?


We are all eating. I am facing her across the table as usual but didn't dare to look at her even for a while. 

Ferdinand: "How is your leg Lieutenant Elizalde?"

"It's getting better Mr. President."

Ferdinand: "Will you be able to continue your mission in Mindanao?"

"I have got no choice Mr. President. I am a soldier. We are to do what ever the commander-in-chief commands us."

Ferdinand: "Well, surely this won't last any longer."


The president came with us with his daughter, Irene. Don't know why, and it's not my job to ask. 

Ferdinand: "Take care everyone!" He shouted.

We all salute him as we turn our backs to climb unto the helicopter. I offered to be the last one to go. While waiting, I am just standing. It's my turn when suddenly a hand held my wrist. I turned and of course, it's the president's daughter. I don't know what she's telling me, I can't hear her. When she finished mouthing her words, she gave me an envelope, smiled then left.


(Jasmine's POV)

Finally! The day I have been waiting for. The day I will meet the Marcoses. Dad's not coming apparently, he told me that he would attend a meeting. "When does he has time for me?" the question I keep asking myself everyday. Kapag nga naman sinuswerte ka sa buhay. Meron kang ina na hindi mo alam kung buhay pa o patay at isang ama na kahit buhay siya, hindi naman ikaw ang iniisip. Wel...I can't get verything I want, can't I.

"Dad, we'll be going. I don't want them to keep waiting." 

Jessie: "Have a safe trip Jassy. Update me for time to time." he said them kissed my forehead.

Minsan hindi ko maiwasang magtanong kung may tinatago ba siya? Para kasing minsan iba yung kutob ko. 

Before we are about to go, dad called my driver. I don't know what he said but he looked very serious.

We are now on the road, still reading about law. There are times when I regret going to competitions. Why? I make enemies. One is Krystal. Another perhaps is Irish. Who knows how many I can make as times passes. 

"Ma'am we're here."

I looked outside the car's window. Ang daming tao! Seryoso bang kakalabanin ko lahat ng representative ng 16 na rehiyon? That concludes it, I am going to make 16 enemies in a day. I stepped out off the van and was welcomed by someone whom I believe is the secretary of the Marcoses. 

Vera: "Good afternoon, I am Vera De Guzman. I am the secretary of Mrs. Araneta who will be the one housing you for a month." I smiled. She's pretty. Infairness, matangkad. "So, is your guardian or parent with you?" She said while looking around.

"I'm afraid my father has a meeting so I am with my uncle." I replied. Bakit "Uncle" ko yung driver? Alangan namang kung saan ako magpunta "driver" parin tawag ko. Plus, I treat dad's men as a family. 

Vera: "I see. Well then, let's go inside." We entered the building and went inside a restaurant and saw most of the contestants in one table. Infairness, iba talaga pag yayamanin. "Wait I almost forgot." she said and took a paper with my name written. "May I?" I nooded then pinned the nametag on my top. "Go and sit on chair number 1" she instructed.

I am walking looking down while putting out my phone from my purse when I bumped into someone. 

"I am so sorry." I said as I look up. I was shocked as hell when I saw who I bumped into. IRENE MARCOS.

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