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(Jasmine's POV)

Host: "Let us all give a round of applause for the winner of the Sanguniang Kabataan Quiz, Jasmine Elizalde who will be working with Senator Imee Marcos in making the generation of the youth even better than today." the host proclaimed as Sen. Marcos came up the stage and gave me a gold medal. We took picturea as all the camera's flashes lighted up the whole room with I being its focus.

All these applause are nothing than at least my father being here to see me achieve an award uncommonly given to many.

After all the pictures taking with some high-positioned people, I went down the stage while I remove my medal. Some of my fellow contestants congratulate me as offered their hands which I gladly accepted with a pretentious smile.

Imee: "Okay everyone, Congratulations to all. In five minutes all of you should already be in the vans and prepare for dinner."

After she announced, Mrs. Araneta came and hug me like there's no tomorrow. I can't hug her back as I am holding a bouquet of flowers given to me by Mr. Marcos Jr. I laid down the bouquet on a nearby table on my left and hugged her back. For some reason, for a moment, it relieved a part of my longing feeling.

Irene: "Congratulations Irina." She said as she kiss my cheek.

"Thank you for everything Mrs. Araneta." I said with a smile. Not a pretentious one, somewhat complete.


After a long day, I went to my office here in the house to call Jessie. Yes, I know naman na alam na niya na nanalo si Irina, but still. I still love him even until today. Just hearing his voice makes my day complete.

I entered my office and locked the door. I walked to my desk and sat on the swiveling chair as I dialed the number of Jessie. I dialed a couple of times but he didn't answer. Maybe he knew what my number is.

I dialed his number the fifth time but surprisingly, a woman answered his phone. I looked at the cellphone number I just called and the paper where I wrote his phone number and it surely is his, but why is the one who answered a woman?

"Jessie is not here." A female voice said while someone from the background giggles.

"Ummm...sino to?" I asked curiously, wondering why a woman would be the one to answer Jessie's phone.

"Secret" she replied philosophically.

"Can you please tell him I called."

I heard laughs and giggles from the phone, when Jessie answered.

Jessie: "Utang na loob Irene. Pwede bang tantanan mo na ako?" he said in a drunken manner.

"Jess you're drunk." I said calmly.

Jessie: "And what do you care? You haven't care for the both of us all these years and now, suddenly you have been acting as if you are concerned for us day and night."

"Jessie, where are you? You're drunk."

"Why do you care kung nasaan ako? For your information, hindi tayo magjowa para sabihin ko sayo kung nasaan ako at isa pa, hindi ka NBI para malaman."

I kept silent, not knowing what to do.

"Love, sino na yan?" A woman said on the background. I believe she was also the one who answered the phone a while ago. A part of me shattered. What do I expect? How am I not different from him? He has all the right to get married, but the question is. Does Irina know?

"You have a wife?" I asked, trying my best to hold my back my tears.

Jessie: "What do you care? Even if I didn't have one, we still wouldn't work out."

"And why is that?" I replied, sniffing.

Jessie: "I just know." He said then hung up. Why do I feel jealous?

(Jassy's POV)

I have dialed dad's number multiple times but it only rings. He doesn't pick up. I start to get worried so I called my driver.

***ON CALL***

"Yes po ma'am."

"Kuya, alam po ba ninyo kung nasaan si dad?"

"Ma'am pumunta po sa Cebu last week."

"Okay po. Thank you kuya."

***END CALL***

He has been going in Cebu for a couple of times this year. Is there something he's hiding or he's just going there for meetings? I asked myself those questions. I went to the bathroom, overthinking.

I washed my face and stared a mirror for some time questioning everything.

(Jessie's POV)

Here I am, a drunken congressman in a bar with a woman whom I got pregnant. I vowed to myself the day Irene and I became partners that she will only be the one whom I will marry. I kept that vow. But I didn't vow to make anyone pregnant aside from her.

18 years ago, I was drunk. So drunk that apparently, I am part of creating Julia. Because of my devastation from the breakup, I went to a bar, got drunk, slept with Cristy before we went to France.

When we got back from France, Cristy contacted me and told me I have a child with her. Of course I was shocked. Cristy knows about Jasmine but I begged her not to tell Jasmine about her amd Julia. I told her that I would be I one to tell her when the right time comes.

The question is, will there ever be a right time for me to tell Jassy about the past?

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