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(Jessie's POV)

I have decided to go to France since no one knows that I invested on a mansion here for my future family. But I guess...Jasmine is my family. No one far. It's just me and her, living in a place I am not familiar with but hoping that my daughter will grow with dignity and grace. I haven't told this decision to Irene. I have made up my mind not to let her come close to Jasmine. Why? It will only hurt me and her more than our break up.

(Irene's POV)

"General Santos, how is Lieutenant Elizalde? Has he returned to Mindanao yet?"

General Santos: "I have no idea where he is Ms. Marcos."

"Why? What happened?

General Santos: "Haven't you heard the news Ms. Marcos?"

"What news?" I asked starting to worry.

General Santos: "I'm not in the position to tell Ma'am. It would be better if you ask the President." He said as I rush to my fathers' office and saw him with other military officers.

Ferdinand: "Where is he!" He yelled as his assistant tried to calm him down. "Find him! I don't care what it will cost you, just find Lieutenant Elizalde!" As soon as I heard these words, I exited the room to find a telephone and call Jessie.

I have dialed his number multiple times but no one replies. I don't know any of his relatives since we hadn't introduced ourselves to any of our family members. I start to panic not knowing where he and my daughter is.

Ferdinand: "Irene, come to my office." He commanded as the rest of the officers leave the room. I went inside and saw my mother and my siblings sitting and just being quiet. "Tell me, where is Lieutenant Jessie Elizalde?"

"I tried to call him a while ago but no response. I have got no idea where he is."

Ferdinand: "Did you break up with him?"

"Yes dad."

Ferdinand: "So this is the catch. He leaves and leaves everything else. We need a soldier and not as your lover. Contact him Irene. Tell Lieutenant Elizalde that his country needs him."

I have been contacting him for hours but still no response. I decided to send  letters addressed to his house in La Union and in Spain since those are the only places he lives in that I know of. After writing, I got my bag and drove off in his house here in Manila, hoping I would see him there. I arrived but there seem to be no traces of him nor our child.

*Five Days Later*

(Jessie's POV)

I received letters from the Philippines. Apparently, the President is looking for me to defend my nation. "This is the first time he actually cared for me. Are they really looking for me about the military? Or to punish me for loving her daughter?" I thought.

"Will I return?" I thought again." How can I? I already joined my fathers company and I have already resigned."

I decided to return to the Philippines alone leaving Jassy with her nanny and again, going to the Palace is the worst feeling I have to ever experience. I am welcomed by the guards and is guided to the President's office. I can't salute him anymore since I'm no longer in the military, on paper.

Ferdinand: "Five days of contacting you yet you didn't respond nor answer even a single call from the Palace. Where were you?"

"Abroad sir."

Ferdinand: "You went abroad and forgot about your country, who is currently at war with the communists. Why did you leave?"

I am about to reply when the door opened. I saw Irene with her arm intertwined with the arm of the man he is about to marry, Greggy Araneta.I saw a ring on Irene's middle finger. She saw me but I returned my gaze to the President. 

Ferdinand: "Return to the military, we need you at this moment."

"I'm afraid I can do that Mr. President. I have already resigned legally on paper and it was already signed by my seniors."

Ferdinand: "I'll pardon you".

"That won't be necessary sir. As I have said, I have already resigned legally. It was and is my decision to do so." He just looked at me, maybe cursing me inside his head. "If you'll excuse me Mr. President, but I believe your daughter and soon to be son-in-law have something to tell." I said as I stand up.

Ferdinand: "Very well Mr. Elizalde, where will you go?"

"Abroad sir."

Ferdinand: "Good luck with your life Mr. Elizalde and thank you for serving the country for this long." I smiled and left the room without looking at Irene nor Greggy.

As I walk out of the Palace, I heard my name being called by a woman. Of course I know who, Irene. I turn around but it's not her. It's Imee Manotoc. I just smiled as I see her approaching me.

Imee: "You really are leaving."

"What else can I do Mrs. Manotoc. It's for the betterment of the both of us not to see each other for quite some time. Besides, she doesn't need me anymore. She already has a husband."

Imee: "Hindi pa sila kasal. Pwede mo pang mabago isip nina mom and dad."

"You should have seen them a while ago in your fathers office. Hindi siya napipilitan, Imee. It's fine. It's my fault, not hers."

Imee: "Anong your fault? She was the one who first sent you letters, right? That's when this relationship of yours began."

"Well, it's the past Mrs. Manotoc. We are all going to move on." I said with a smile. Unexpectedly, she hugged me. I have got no idea why.

Imee: "Take care of yourself. If you need help in any matter, I would be happy to help." She stated as I nod. I am again about to leave when another voice called me. It is Bong. He came running towards us.

Bong: "Talaga bang nagresign ka?"

I just chuckled.

"So you heard the news."

Bong: "Is this because of your relationship with my sister?"

"It's a part."

Imee: "Sinabihan ko nga na huwag umalis eh. Ewan ko ba sa utak ng taong toh."

"I have to go. I have a plane to catch."

Bong: "Have you talked to Irene?"

"No. I didn't and I wouldn't. She's happy now, and so will I."


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