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Sarah stood with Elena and Bonnie, out of the conversation. She was friends with Caroline and Elena, so by extension she was 'friends' with Bonnie. They didn't hang out unless Elena or Caroline was gonna be there. They didn't hate eachother, they just weren't close.

"Just admit it, Elena." Bonnie said. "Oh, okay, so he's a little pretty." Elena admitted. "He has that romance novel stare." Sarah snorted. "So where is he?" Bonnie asked.
"I don't know. You tell me, you're the psychic one." Elena responded. "Right, I forgot. Okay, so give me a sec. Grams says I have to concentrate." Bonnie said. "Wait, you need a crystal ball." She gave her a bottle. Bonnie took it and touched Elena's hand. Bonnie spaced out for a while, came back to her senses, and abruptly pulled her hand back.

"What?" Elena asked. "That was weird. When I touched you, I saw a crow." Bonnie said. A chill went up Sarah's spine. "What?" Her and Elena asked in unison. "A crow. There was fog, a man. I'm drunk. It's the drinking. There's nothing psychic about it. Yeah? Ok, I'm gonna get a refill."

Bonnie left Sarah and Elena alone. Elena tried to call after her. "Do you think she saw what we did..?" Sarah asked. Elena comptemplated for a moment then shook her head. "It's probably just a coincidence, Sarah. Nothing to worry about."

"Something like that isn't a coincidence, Lena." Sarah disagreed. She turned around and Stefan was behind them. Sarah jumped and held onto her beer.
"Um hi." Sarah said. "I did it again, didn't it?" Stefan asked. "Yeah." Elena responded. "I'm sorry. You're upset about something."

"Oh, uh, no, it's- it's just Bonnie. She's...You know what? Never mind. You'" Elena said finally. "I'm here." Stefan said.
Sarah faux gagged. "And I'm leaving." She said looking between them before walking off. She didn't know where she was going, but she wasn't gonna watch them flirt. Disgusting.

Sarah sat on the sidelines, against a tree, watching the other teenagers being... teenagers. Some were making out against trees. Some were dancing, most of it couldn't be considered dancing, just drunken flailing. Some were going off to smoke, she could smell the weed from where she was sitting.

She was perfectly content against her tree with her cheap beer. That was until some guy on the football team sat beside her.
Ethan Hudson. Douche of the century and resident man whore. Also the first boy she met when the Lahote's moved to Mystic Falls. And the first guy she dated, which lasted all of 6 months when she was 15.

He looked down at her smaller frame and smirked. Sarah attempted to ignore him, though he never did well when someone was ignoring him.

"If it isn't little Sarah Lahote." He placed his hand on her bare thigh, squeezing roughly, then inching it towards her crotch. She smelled the alcohol on his breath and glared. "Get your hand off of me, or you won't have a hand." She said, pushing his arm away.

"Oh come on, baby. You used to like it when I did stuff like that." He said. She scoffed and got up. "Used to, as in, not anymore. And don't call me that!" She began walking away when he grabbed her arm.

In a surge of anger, Sarah whirled around and punched him square in the nose. Ethan stumbled back and clutched his bleeding nose.
"What the fuck Sarah!?" He yelled, enraged. "Don't touch me." She said, staring at him horrified. She didn't know where the anger or the strength came from. Sarah backed away, then ran back towards the party before the smell of blood could reach her nose.

Sarah bumped into a chest as she looked behind herself. She jumped and went into defense mode, expecting it to be Ethan.
She let out a sigh of relief when she saw it was Stefan instead of her drunk and angry ex. "Sarah! Sarah, hey, what's wrong?" He asked. "Nothing, um... I have to go..." Stefan listened to the rapid beating of her heart. Then saw a guy, Ethan, who stood at atleast 6'2", looking around.

For Sarah.

Stefan sensed this and hid her from view, just in time for Jeremy and Elena to come out with a bloodied Vicki. "I'm assuming the reason you were running, just came out of the woods." Sarah nodded, taking shallow breaths.

"I'll walk you home, its not safe for you to walk alone." Stefan said. Sarah nodded. While everyone crowded around the Gilbert siblings and Vicki, Stefan and Sarah left the party. Matt watched them leave, with a confused look on his face. 

As they walked, Stefan noticed her breathing normally again. "Are you okay?" He asked again. She nodded. "Yeah, just the smell of blood. It's overwhelming, makes me nauseous. Lena and Caroline says it's because I'm squeamish."

Stefan glanced down at her hand which had dried blood on it. Then his eyes trailed to the bruise on her leg. "I guess you could say I'm a bit squeamish too." He admitted. She laughed lightly and nudged him in the side.

"Thank's for getting me out of there, Stefan." She said sincerely. "It's no problem, anyone would've done it."
Sarah shook her head. "No they wouldn't... Most people see Ethan and avoid him at all costs, except for his close friends.. He's toxic and the red flags were definitely there, yet at 15 I didn't care and now I have to deal with it."

Stefan stayed silent for a moment. "Did he ever hurt you?" He eventually asked. "Not physically, no." Sarah responded as they reached the end of her driveway.
"Sarah, you can talk to me." Stefan said. The girl smiled and nodded. "I know, but I'd like us to be better friends before I spill all my trauma." Sarah admitted.

The porch light came on, illuminating a small portion of the lawn and driveway..  Then the front door opened. "I'll see you around, Stefan. Night."

"Goodnight Sarah." He waited until the dark haired girl was inside, then waved at who he assumed to be her mother. The woman smiled warmly and waved back before closing the door and locking it.
Inside the house, Sarah told her mom about what happened with Vicki, even though she didn't stay to see much. Lizzy knew the story. An animal attack... She and Paul hadn't shifted much since Sarah was born, but the woman was hoping they didn't have to. That Sarah didn't have to.

A/N- This one was all over the place, I'm sorry lol. Or am I?

Starah Brotp anyone?

Unfortunately S1 will probably drag on, but that's okay. I can find a way to spice things up.

The interview went good, I got another interview with the district manager next week. Things are looking good.

I hope this was okay!


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