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Elena, Sarah, and Bonnie were preparing dinner in the kitchen. Well, more like Sarah was sitting on the counter.
"You explain it. Last night, I'm watching Nine-o, a commercial break comes on and I'm like, I bet it's that phone commercial. And sure enough, it's that guy and the girl with the bench, he flies to Paris and he flies back. They take a picture." Bonnie said.

"Oh, come on. That commercial's on a constant loop." Elena responded. "It's annoying at this point." Sarah added. "Fine. Well, how about this? Today I'm obsessed with numbers. 3 numbers. I keep seeing 8, 14, and 22. How weird is that?"
"Maybe we should play the lottery. Have you talked to your Grams?" Elena asked. "She's just gonna say it's because I'm a witch. I don't want to be a witch. Do you want to be a witch?"

"I don't want to be a witch." Elena responded. "I wanna be a witch! Just Avada Kedavra some bitches. Nobody would ever know!" Sarah said. Elena looked at her weirdly before pouring the to-go food into a bowl.

"And putting it in a nice bowl isn't fooling anybody." Bonnie said. "She's right, you know." Sarah said hopping off the counter. "Ok, serving spoons. Where are the serving spoons?"
"Middle drawer on your left." Elena opened the drawer and grabbed a spoon. "Ok, so you've been in this kitchen like a thousand times." Elena said. "Yeah, that's it."

The doorbell rang and Sarah headed towards the table. She just wanted to get this over with. Stefan was let in and there was awkward hellos all around.


Sarah took small bites of her food. The air was tense and it made her lose her appetite. She was about ready to break the silence, when Elena did. "Did Tanner give you a hard time today?" She asked. "Well, he let me on the team, so I must have done something right." Stefan responded. "Good job Stefan." Sarah smiled at him briefly. He returned the smile.

"Bonnie, you should have seen Stefan today. Tyler threw a ball right at him, and..."
"Yeah, I heard." Bonnie cut her off. "Why don't you tell Stefan about your family?" Elena suggested. "Um, divorced. No mom. Live with my dad."

"No, about the witches. Bonnie's family has a lineage of witches. It's really cool." Elena said. "Cool isn't the word I'd use." Bonnie responded. "Well, it's certainly interesting. I'm not too versed, but I do know that there's a history of Celtic druids that migrated here in the 1800s." Stefan said.
"My family came by way of Salem."
"Really? Salem witches?"
"I would say that's pretty cool." Stefan said. "Really? Why?" Bonnie asked. "Salem witches are heroic examples of individualism and nonconformity."
"Yeah, they are." Stefan then turned to Sarah. "What about your family?" He asked.

He was genuinely curious about the girl he'd began befriending. Elena and Bonnie were curious too, seeing as the teenager hadn't spoken much about her family. They just moved to Mystic Falls one day and nobody asked questions.

"Uh, as you've probably guessed, I'm not originally from Mystic Falls. I was born in Forks Washington. My parents were born and raised in La Push on the Quileute reservation. We lived there with our families until I was 7, and we moved here.
There's many stories or legends that come from my people, which outsiders arent typically allowed to hear. The short version is, we supposedly have magic in our blood which awakens when the cold ones are near..." Sarah trailed off, realizing she kinda info dumped.

"Magic? Like the Salem witches?" Stefan asked. "No, though I think it would be cool." She admitted. "What are the cold ones?" Bonnie asked.
"They're the supposed enemy of the tribe. I wouldn't put much thought into it, Bonnie. They're just stories." Sarah said the last bit, lying through her teeth. Stefan however, he heard her heart skip a beat.

The doorbell rang again. "I wonder who that could be." Elena said getting up. She opened the door. Caroline and Damon were outside. "Surprise! Bonnie said you were doing dinner, so we brought dessert." Caroline said. Sarah and Stefan shared a look before getting up.
"Hope you don't mind." Damon said. "What are you doing here?" Stefan asked. "Waiting for Elena to invite me in." Sarah tilted her head to the side.

(A/N- Wanda Maximoff head tilt, anyone?)

"Oh, yeah, you can..."
"No, no, no. He can't, uh...he can't stay. Can you, Damon?" Stefan asked. "Get in here." Caroline said. "We're just...finishing up."
"It's fine. Just come on in." Elena said. Damon stepped over the threshold. "You have a beautiful home, Elena."
"Thank you." Elena said.

Sarah's eyes briefly flashed blue and Stefan looked at her worriedly. "Are you okay?" He asked her lowly. She looked over his shoulder and saw Damon smirking at her. Suddenly a flash of the nightmare came into mind and her heart began beating faster.

"I uh, yeah." Sarah said looking back to Stefan. She cleared her throat and straightened herself up, grabbing her hoodie off the back of her seat. "I had a good time, I wish I could stay longer but today's been a really long day. I'll see you guys tomorrow." She directed the last part at the teenagers in the room, attempting to ignore Damon's presence.


A/N- I'm going to bed now. It's 4:46 am and I was supposed to be asleep hours ago. But I wanted to get this chapter out before I went to bed.

But here it is, finally!


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