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Sarah had been getting ready for bed when she got the call. She wasted no time throwing a hoodie and shoes on, before running out of the house.

The teenager entered the hospital and looked around. She found who she was looking for. Sarah walked over to Elena and Bonnie. "Where is she? How is she?"
Bonnie looked up at her sadly. "She's in surgery, they don't know if she'll make it." Sarah's whole world stopped as her eyes began to sting. "What? No. I mean, this is Caroline Forbes we're talking about, she can't die."

Bonnie embraced Elena and Sarah. Damon was nearby and peered over at them. "Is there something that you can do? Like a spell or something?" Elena asked. "She doesn't know how, do you?" Damon asked..
"No, I don't." Bonnie admitted.
"No, you don't because it took Emily years to learn a spell like that." Damon said. Sarah rolled her eyes. "Cut her some slack, dickhead, she's new to this." The dark haired teenager said. Damon gave her a look.

"Well, I can take down a vampire, that spell was easy to learn." Bonnie said. "I can give Caroline some blood."
"No, no way." Elena said. "No, just enough to heal her. She will be safe in the hospital and it will be out of her system in a day, she will be better Elena."

"It's too risky, I can't agree to that." Elena said. "Do it." Bonnie said. Sarah saw Elena's expression. "This is Caroline. We can't let her die. Do it." She said. "If I do this, you and me, call a truce?" Damon gestured to Bonnie and Sarah. "No. But you'll do it anyway. For Elena."

Bonnie left. Sarah went to the cafeteria, knowing she'd be there a while.


The next morning, Sarah was up and ready to see Caroline. She'd been sitting with Sheriff Forbes and Matt all night. Definitely not a combination she'd want to be in the middle of again.

As she came back from the bathroom, she saw that Bonnie was there. "How is Caroline today?" Sarah heard Bonnie ask. "See for yourself." Matt said. They went into Caroline's room. Caroline was awake and looking completely healthy.
"Jersey Shore's on." The blonde said. Bonnie embraced her. "Careful, still a little sore." Caroline said. "Sorry."
"Its okay but they say I'm healing really quick."
"My turn." Matt kissed her. Sarah fake gagged at the showing of affection, but she smiled at her friend on the verge of tears.

Bonnie cried from joy. "Oh, isn't he cute? Why are you crying?" Caroline asked. "I'm just happy you're okay."
"Oh, I love you guys!" Caroline exclaimed. "We love you." Bonnie and Sarah said at the same time. The four of them embraced each other as a single tear fell from Sarah's eyes.


The Lahote's walked around the Lockwood's mansion to pay their respects. They never liked the family all that much, however it would be suspicious if they didn't show up.

Sarah left her parents to get a drink. She grabbed what she assumed to be fruit punch- it was spiked. She drank it anyway. There was no way in hell she was going to survive this completely sober.
Just as Sarah was going to get more, someone bumped into her. She looked up to meet blue eyes. They looked at eachother weirdly for a few moments. "I don't remember seeing you here before... Have we met?" The strangely familiar man asked.

Sarah raised her eyebrows and shook her head. "I don't think we have." She admitted. "Mason Lockwood." He introduced himself, sticking his hand out. Sarah cautiously shook it. "Sarah Lahote."

"Are you one of Tyler's friends?" Mason asked. Sarah chuckled as they began walking towards the drinks once more. "We could use the term friend very loosely. He's a bit... angry. Reminds me of the extended family." She said as she poured a drink. Sarah caught the side glance Mason sent her at the mention of his anger.

In Mason's mind, something was strangely familiar about her scent. It was human, yet it wasn't. As Sarah turned away from the table, Mason got a good look at the tattoo on her shoulder.
"Nice tattoo, aren't you a bit young to have one?" Mason commented. "It's uh, a tribal thing. A bunch of my family family members have it." She said.

"Really? Is there a story behind it?" Mason questioned. "There is. But I can't tell you, tribe secrets." Sarah cleared her throat and caught sight of her parents by the door. "I should get going. It was nice meeting you Mason." She remarked before downing the drink and meeting up with her parents.


It was late when Sarah got a text message from Elena. All it said was 'Come over'. She listened closely to her parents breathing, making sure they were asleep before she opened the window and jumped down.


Elena was on the floor, cradling Jeremy in her arms and Stefan was standing behind her, when Sarah arrived. The dark haired teenager kneeled beside Elena and Jeremy.

He saw the ring, that's why he did it. He knew." Stefan tried to convince Elena. "He didn't see the ring." Elena said. "It's Katherine. She got under his skin. She undid everything that was good about him." Stefan said. "No. It's Damon being Damon." Sarah said, holding in her anger as best she could. Her body tremored lightly as she spoke.

"There's nothing good about him. Stefan, not anymore. He's decided what he wants. He doesn't want to feel, he wants to be hated, it's just easier that way. He got his wish... I hate him, Stefan." Elena cried.

Sarah moved away and Stefan kneeled down next to Elena to comfort her. "I know. I know." He mumbled. He kissed her on the shoulder. Jeremy suddenly woke up gasping. Stefan took his face and looked in his eyes.

Is he okay? Stefan, is he okay?" Elena asked. "He's okay. Shhh, you're okay." Stefan said. "He killed me! Damon killed me!" Jeremy panicked. Elena embraced him and smiled. "It's okay. Oh God."

Sarah's eyes flickered a dangerous hue of blue as she stood to grab Jeremy some water. "Keep your brother in check, or I'll kill him before the council ever gets word of him." She mumbled quiet enough so only Stefan could hear her. His eyes snapped up to her and he barely nodded as she left the room.


A/N- This was a very unorganized chapter, however I'm working on getting better.

I'd like to take this time to announce something for my fellow Marvel fans who are bound to read this and understand references.


These are my upcoming Marvel projects that will most likely be released sometime after Poison is finished

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These are my upcoming Marvel projects that will most likely be released sometime after Poison is finished.
As of right now I don't have much information on these projects aside from some basic things.

• Most of these will be set from about 2014-2019

• Some events didn't happen, however Loki's attack on New York is a vital part of the MCU

• Obviously, most of the favorite dead characters are alive. (Natasha, Vision, Tony, Pietro)

• In the 2 Soulmate AU's, Clint is NOT married to Laura and they don't have kids

• There may be mature themes, not exactly smut, however it may be murder/torture

More information will be released later.

I hope this chapter was okay!


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