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Sarah walked down the halls of the Highschool. Her footsteps echoed and a light flickered overhead. A chill ran up her spine..
A man stood at the end of the hall, he was tall with raven hair. That's all she could see. A crow flew past her head, flying into the man's chest.

Within a second, the man was standing in front of her with blurred features. Sarah's breath hitched and on instinct, her hand flew out and a blast of blue energy came from it. The impact sent the man flying back.

He was gone.

Suddenly, there was a tap on her shoulder. Sarah turned around to see the man with elongated fangs, coming at her. She was frozen.
He pulled away and she watched as her blood dripped down his chin. He smirked and reached up as if he was going to caress her face. His other hand came up and his smirk dropped as he snapped her neck.

Sarah woke up with a gasp, which turned into a coughing fit as she clutched her throat. She wiped the tears from her cheeks and looked over at the clock. 3:22 am flashed in bright red letters.
Sarah threw one of her hoodies on to go downstairs. She sat in the dark for maybe 15 minutes before her mother came down the stairs with a worried expression.

"Sweetheart, what are you doing sitting alone in the dark?" Lizzy asked, turning on the lamp and sitting beside her. The woman saw the haunted look on her daughters face and pulled her into a hug. "I had a dream... it was more like a nightmare. I died and it felt so... real." Sarah said, her voice was hoarse from coughing.

"It'll be okay, baby." Lizzy kissed the top of her daughters head. In that moment, Sarah wasn't almost an adult. She was a scared little girl who needed her mom. "Why don't you attempt to rest some before school, and I'll make my special tea.. Sound like a plan?"

Sarah nodded and Lizzy got up from the couch. She attempted to rest, but all she saw when she closed her eyes was the fangs.
When Lizzy came back, Sarah was sitting with her legs against her chest. The woman handed the tea her daughter and sat down in an arm chair.

Sarah sipped at the tea while they sat in silence. It was a herbal mix designed to calm someone down with the use of natural melatonin. Needless to say, it was working.
That was until Sarah began to doze off again. Then the nightmare only got worse. Lizzy vowed to never use her powers on her daughter, but she couldn't watch her daughter suffer in her sleep.

With a kiss to the forehead, Lizzy sent a small surge of her powers through Sarah. She watched as her daughter visibly calmed down. Later in the morning, both women woke up to the smell of coffee and bacon.

Sarah walked through the empty halls of the Highschool. She stopped in her tracks, thinking she saw the man from her nightmare. Nobody was there. The bell rang and students spilled into the hallway, walking around her as if she wasn't there. Sarah thought she was definitely losing her mind.

At the Grill, Sarah sat with Caroline, Bonnie, and Elena- eating fries, because why not? They were good and she felt as if she deserved them after the long day she had.

"Well, I was talking to Grams, and she said the comet is a sign of impending doom. The last time it passed over Mystic Falls, there was lots of death. So much blood and carnage, it created a bed of paranormal activity." Bonnie said. "That's believable." Sarah said, knowing some things were very real. Her family was a great example.  

Caroline ignored her. "Yeah, and then you poured Grams another shot and she told you about the aliens. So then what"
"So then nothing." Elena said. "You and Stefan talked all night? There was no sloppy first kiss or touchy feely of any kind?" Caroline asked. "Nope. We didn't go there."

"Not even a handshake? I mean, Elena, we are your friends. Ok? You are supposed to share the smut."
"We just talked for hours." Elena said. "OK, what is with the blockage? Just jump his bones already! Ok, it's easy. Boy likes girl, girl likes boy, sex!" Sarah's face twisted into something that resembled disgust. "Profound." Elena responded.

Elena got up. "Where are you going?" Bonnie asked. "Caroline's right. It is easy. If I sit here long enough, I'll end up talking myself out of it instead of doing what I started the day saying what I was going to do."
"Have fun with that." Sarah said. "You're coming with me." Elena said, grabbing Sarah's arm, practically forcing her to stand up and follow. "Come on." Elena urged. "Noooo....." she looked back at her fries sadly.

Elena went up to the front door and knocked, it opened and she entered. Sarah stared at the teenager in disbelief. "Elena! You just don't enter someone's house." She hissed at her friend.
"The door opened, so let's go." Elena said then began calling out for Stefan. Sarah sighed and entered the house, mumbling a silent apology.

A crow flew into the house. Elena turned around and a man was standing there. Sarah raised her eyebrows at the man, he seemed familiar to her somehow.

I...I'm sorry for barging in. The door" Elena said. "Still doesn't mean you just come into someone's home, Elena." Sarah said. "You must be Elena and Sarah. I'm Damon, Stefan's brother."

"He didn't tell me he had a brother." Elena responded. "Theres probably alot he hasn't told you, considering you just met." Sarah pointed out. "Well, Stefan's not one to brag. Please, come. I'm sure Stefan will be along any second." Damon said.

"Wow. This is your living room?"
"Living room, parlor, Sotheby's auction. It's a little kitschy for my taste. I see why my brother's so smitten. It's about time. For a while there, I never thought he'd get over the last one. Nearly destroyed him."

"The last one?" Sarah and Elena asked at the same time. "Yeah. Katherine, his girlfriend? Oh, you two haven't had the awkward exes conversation yet." Damon asked. "Nope." Elena responded.

"Oops. Well, I'm sure it'll come up now. Or maybe he didn't want to tell you because he didn't want you to think he was on the rebound. We all know how those relationships end." Damon said. "You say it like every relationship is doomed to end."

"Because it is.. whether it be falling out of love or death, every relationship is doomed to end at some point." Sarah said. "See, she gets it. I'm a fatalist. Hello, Stefan."
"Sarah, Elena. I didn't know you were coming over." Stefan said. "I know. We should have called, I just..." Elena tried. "Oh, don't be silly. You're welcome any time. Aren't they, Stefan? You know, I should break out the family photo albums or some home movies. But...I have to warn you. He wasn't always such a looker."

"Thank you for stopping by. Nice to see you both." Stefan said. "Yeah, I should probably go. It was nice to meet you, Damon." Elena said. "Great meeting you, too, Elena." Damon responded.

"Yeah I, I need to get home." Sarah said, glancing between the brothers. Stefan was blocking their way as he stared at Damon. "Stefan....Stefan?" Stefan moved; Elena and Sarah left.

A/N- As you can now probably tell, we're on the second episode 2 of the first season.

I've decided Sarah will be more dependent on her abilities and less on her wolf, the complete opposite of Lizzy.

Though I'm trying to figure out how I make her shift.. that could be interesting. Though it'll happen around Elijah's first appearance, possibly the end of season 1.

Hope this was ok!


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